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When she arrived, Crystal was greeted by a most unexpected sight. The dragonwings had disappeared. Crystal was suddenly scared.

"Labra," she whispered. "In the pouch please." Labra climbed down and slipped into the pouch. Crystal continued on. She started to notice how warm the floor was in certain places. She followed the warmth, hoping it would lead her to safety.

She came to a long and dark passageway. There was a bolted door at the far end. Crystal went to that. The floor got warmer the closer she was to the door.

Crystal unlocked the door and just as she was about to step inside, saw a piece of paper with the dragonwings' names on it. She saw her own next to Flame's and then she saw the heading. 'Wing experiment.'

"What the?" Crystal asked to no one in particular.

She stepped into the room and softly opened her mouth, blowing out gentle puffs of bright snow. They landed on figures sleeping on the ground. Crystal stepped over one of them and sat down. She gently shook the creature and waited. There was a groan and it sat up. Now that its face was facing the light from outside, Crystal could see that it was...Tempest.

"Monsters have no feelings," she grumbled. "Oh what a pretty unicorn."

"Tempest," Crystal said. "What do you remember?"

"You and training. That hurts."

"Sorry. Do you remember anything about an Icewing?"

"No...just that they were supposed to be gone when the Ice clan was diminished."

"Do you remember how you got here?"


"Stay with me. Do you remember anything about a 'Wing experiment?'"

"Mating... ew..."

"Yes, very ew. We need to get you guys out of here. Is there anything holding you back?"

"Back legs."

Crystal went around and was about to blast the chains off when she remembered Tempest's first reaction. She looked up at her.

"Whatever happens, I want you to know that I mean no harm. Don't tell anyone what I am."

Crystal blasted her ice at the chains and they sizzled before falling off. Tempest shied away a little before straightening up and looking straight at Crystal.

"I promise," she said. "Let's get the others out."

Crystal beamed despite her current situation and melted the chains off the rest. They looked up groggily before getting up.

"What just happened?" Whirlwind asked lazily.

"Crystal saved us with her long claws. She picked the locks and they melted away," Tempest lies.

"Well, let's get out of here," Nightmare stumbled to the door. "Let's not. There are dragons out there!"

"Look like you're sleeping!" Crystal whisper-yelled. She looked around and ran to a dark corner. She bumped into someone very warm on the way there.

"Get under my wing," Flame growled.

"Ew, no!"

"Do it if you don't want us to get caught!"

Crystal reluctantly laid down and squeezed under Flame's wing. Just in time for the door to open and a low voice to growl, "She's not here."

As soon as the door closed, Crystal sprang up and kicked Flame away.

"Look at that," Oak chuckled. "They really are meant to be together."

Crystal growled. Flame lit up the space by setting himself on fire. She growled at him.

"We have to get out of here," Tempest said. "Something weird is going on and I don't like it."

"Crystal," Whirlwind said, turning to her, "You know how to get out."

"No, I only know how to get in."

"If you haven't noticed," Solar Flare announced. "The door is closed."

Everyone glared at her.

"We need to get out," Tempest said and they all huddled around to hear her plan.

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