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"First." Tempest said huddling around all the dragons. "We need to find out what they're planning."

"But wouldn't that lead to death and danger?" Solar flare asked looking slightly disturbed. "Not if you can see the future smarts." Flame scolded and Tempest gave him a grateful smile.

"After we find out what's happening to us we can figure out if it will be dangerous or not." Tempest finished and waited for the gathered dragons to put in their input.

"I'm in. Especially because Tempest put so much time and effort into the plan." Nightmare said with a wink and continued.

"I'm in also." Flame and Crystal said simultaneously. "Me too." Said Oak putting his claw in the air. "I'm in as well." Whirlwind said barely a whisper and smiled lightly. "That leaves Solar flare."

Solar flare looked around the assembled dragons and sighed. "I wouldn't have it any other way." Tempest smiled and they broke apart searching for evidence.

Tempest crawled along the floor trying not to give away her bulky shape. Nightmare was beside her doing a much better job.

They came to a stop by a weirdly glowing door. Tempest gave it an apprehensive look. "Let's check it out." Nightmare whispered and unlocked it with a flick of his tail. Tempest shushed him quickly.

They creeped in the door and ducked quickly when they saw two dragons coming their way. Nightmare pulled Tempest underneath a shelf and waited. And waited. And waited.

Finally one of them spoke.

"The breeding program is under way your majesty. The list is posted on top of the shelf over there. The assignments were carefully organized and put together. We will break the news to them tomorrow." It finished and walked away. Their claws making tapping and scraping noises against the smooth marble floors.

"Let's read it." Nightmare whispered and they got out of their hiding spot.

"Here goes nothing." Tempest sucked in her breath when they read the first pair of names.

"Tempest and Nightmare. Assigned to breed. Crystal and Flame. Assigned to breed. Whirlwind and Oak. Assigned to breed. Solar flare and Ocean. Assigned to breed."

Nightmare looked at her with a sparkle in his eyes. Then he fell to the floor. Convulsing in pain. Torture.

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