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"Get your lazy butt up!" Crystal shouted. Unlike the other dragons' room, Crystal's had dips in the ground to sleep in. Flame had rolled into hers, therefore onto her.

Crystal raked her claws along Flame's "oh so perfect" face. He didn't move one inch. Then she had an idea.

"Flame," she whispered quietly. "Your mirror is broken."

He immediately jumped off of Crystal and ran to where he had hung his mirror. He looked around for broken glass, only to find nothing. Flame turned around, enraged to the point where fire sprouted along his body.

"Not funny!" Flame roared.

"Kind of funny," Crystal giggled.

"I like that mirror!"

"You were sleeping on me!"

"Hun, calm down," Solar Flare butted in. "Flame liked that mirror."

"Wait...liked? As in doesn't like anymore? Past tense?" Flame asked nervously.

"Yes, liked. After this month we are going to be sent out to deal with ever-increasing problems and threats to our monarchy, such as the Tribes."

"The Tribes?" Crystal couldn't believe this. "The first thing we-I mean you-guys are going to do is take on the Tribes?"

"Well, it's to be expected that we'll have a skeletal and a time dragon with us. For protection."

"Um, how are you expecting that?" Flame asked and both girls sighed.

"She has the power to foretell the possible futures, dummy. Weren't you listening?" Crystal scolded.

"I'm too beautiful to listen."

And with that, Crystal walked out.

The hall was still quiet, even though the sun was starting to rise. In the Ice clan, the dragons would be up and about already.

Crystal decided to take the hall to her left. She raised her feet higher than usual to quell the clicking noise of her claws. She eventually got lost in the maze and turned back. And sighed. Her tail had left a trail of snow behind. These things had never happened back at the glaciers, but then again, her entire home had been snow and ice.

As Crystal went back to her room, she cleaned the cold white from the castle, heeding the Gem Queen's warning to keep her role secret. If they found out you were the Icewing, they would kill you immediately. Crystal shivered at the thought.

But why would they kill me?

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