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Well, then. The huge thunderclap that followed Tempest's lightning shook the ground. Crystal looked up and saw the stormwing sheepishly fly back down. The time dragon blinked once and came back.

"That was good. How about you, Flame? Care to show off?"

Flame brushed past Crystal and she flinched back in revulsion. Flame spread his wings and burst into fire. It spread along his body, repelling any unwanted visitors.

The time dragon went on until he came to Nightmare. "Do something."

Nightmare looked right at Crystal. He didn't blink, not once. Then he turned around and blew black fire. It spread into Crystal's worst nightmare. Two dragons, indistinguishable as to their type, stalked forward. They stood in front of Crystal and whispered, "We never wanted you. You got us kicked out. You got us killed."

The time dragon sighed and placed his claws upon Nightmare's shoulder. He reversed back until he had asked for Nightmare to come up.

"Crystal," he said. "Anything from you?"

"Oh, actually... well, I'm just watching to see how other clans work together. To benefit mine," Crystal finished uneasily.

The time dragon stared a little, then shrugged it off. "Very well. Room assignments! Tempest, Oak, Whirlwind, and Nightmare. 17C. Flame, Solar Flare, and Crystal, 18C."

"Wait, I have to share a room with her?" Flame practically screeched.

"Yes, no more on the matter."

Flame and Crystal looked at each other and groaned.

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