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Tempest glanced uneasily at Nightmare. He gave her the creeps. Especially his powers and how he could control you with one look. Crystal, turns out was rooming with Flame and Solar Flare so that was one less annoying dragon to watch out for.

"Hey Tempest!" Whirlwind called out to her. She was flapping along some air currents that filtered air into the castle. "Hey Whirlwind. What's up?" "Oh nothing much. Only that everyone left to go to their rooms already." Shoot. Tempest quickly thanked Whirlwind and launched off towards the west wing. Two
rooms were placed along either side of the walls. She chose the one on the right and stepped inside.

It was entirely decorated like a forest with hanging overhead branches and a small lake in the center. Small shelves built inside the walls marked their sleeping spots. Tempest's name wasn't on there. "Hey Temp. Your spot is over here." Oak called standing up and revealing his green shape. She quickly ducked her head and flew lightly over by a rock ledge that resembled hers at the training cave. It only reminded her more of Hurricane.

"Hello." A cool voice from behind spoke. "Hi." Tempest said sheepishly turning around. It was Nightmare. "I was wondering if you would care to join me for a stroll in the castle." Wait. Wasn't their some sort of rule that said you can't go out of your dorm after midnight? "I'm sorry but that would be violating the law." Tempest quickly spoke not wanting to increase suspicion. "Only if we get caught." She could sense him smiling in the darkness. "Alright fine. But only if I can call you...." she trailed off thinking. "Mr. Goat Breath." Nightmare only sighed and turned holding up his wing so Tempest could fit inside. This would disguise them so they wouldn't be seen.

"Let's go." He whispered in her ear and she shivered lightly.

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