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"Labra!" Crystal yelled. He stood in the door holding keys. Behind him was Solar Flare holding the stones. Then Tempest and Nightmare.

Crystal ran to the doorway and picked up Labra. His aging process was sped up due to the fact he was a dragon, so picking him up required a bit more strength. He was the size of a five year old human.

"How did you get out?" Crystal asked.

"Well, Ocean wasn't-" Solar Flare started.

Crystal interrupted. "Ocean? His name is Labra. Not Ocean."

Solar Flare rolled her eyes. "Fine. Labra wasn't old enough to do the breeding experiments so we were able to walk around. But then he started crying, and just wouldn't stop, so I had to find you. The brat just had to be near you."

Solar Flare barely got to the end of her sentence when Labra was in Flame's arms and Crystal was tackling her.

Crystal had almost gouged an eye out when Tempest pulled her back.

"HE'S NOT A BRAT!" Crystal screamed, still kicking. Labra wiggled out of Flame's grip and touched Crystal's arm. She immediately calmed down.

Solar Flare stood up. She had red gashes along her face and neck, marking the beauty she had once taken for granted. Her left eye was swollen shut, with blood seeping through her fleshy eyelid. Solar Flare growled.

"Let's get the others." She turned on her heel and limped towards the other rooms.

"Come on, Labra," Crystal said. She held his hand and they followed Solar Flare out of the room.

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