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There was no more evidence of the icewing after they searched several corridors. "Quit stepping on my tail!" Flame bellowed at Oak who mistakenly turned invisible at the sound of his voice. "Oh quit your annoying squabbles." Solar flare yawned and stretched her bright wings. She could really get on your nerves quick.

Tempest growled low in her throat and strutted off, tilting her bright green wings as to give herself a queenly disposition.  Nightmare snorted behind her.

"Where do you think your going?" He asked sidling up to her. "None of your business." She retorted and walked faster eventually losing him in the spacious hallways.

Tempest walked for a long while trying to recover some sort of evidence. She was about to return to her room when she heard a noise. A noise coming from the kitchen.

She stealthy crept close to the walls, careful to avoid any noise making. The sounds got closer as she neared the kitchen doors. She opened them carefully and leapt at the freezer with her dark claws outstretched and her wings opened to their full extent, ready to meet the icewing. But she saw something different. Something...........unexpected.

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