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Danny got out of bed unusually early this morning. His first thought shook him too much to go back to sleep so he decided to just get out of bed. Tuesday. Today was Tuesday. Danny was sixteen today and he still had not told his friends or family about his new royal status. He felt slightly bad not telling them the truth but he was concerned they would worry about him too much. He was going to be crowned tonight and, though he didn't want to be, he would become the new prince of the ghost zone.

Seven o'clock rolled around and Danny decided to head down and get some breakfast before he had to go to school. As he approached the kitchen though there was a large crash. Rushing in Danny saw his mom and sister making a mess on the counters. Maddie, Danny's mother, had dropped a pan full of uncooked pancake batter and blueberries. The batter and blueberries were now splattered all over the floor as well as the counters. With a slight chuckle Danny stepped in to the kitchen and let the two women know he was there.

"What are you doing up so early sweetie?" Maddie asked.

"Just had trouble sleeping that's all. What are you two doing?"

"Well we were making you breakfast in bed but I guess that's not going to happen now." Jazz said in a playfully irritated tone. "Happy Birthday little brother."

Soon enough Jazz had remade the pancake batter and made a gigantic stack of blueberry pancakes for the family. Jack, Danny's dad, came down and the family ate pancakes together. Once they were all done Danny and Jazz grabbed their backpacks and head out the door. Jazz offered to give Danny a ride but he felt like flying to school that day so he said no.

Danny let the cool white rings glide over him transforming him in to his other half, Danny Phantom, and took off. Danny loved the feeling of the cool morning wind in his hair as he flew. It made him feel free. Slowly the teen's thoughts began to drift to tonight. How would everything happen, he thought. Would he still be able to live at home?

Danny was snapped out of these thoughts as a cold wisp escaped Danny's lips signaling a ghost nearby. Stopping, Danny looked around. He didn't see anything around him so he continued on his way to school.

As the school came in to the halfa's sight something hit him square in the back, sending Danny flailing. Readjusting himself Danny saw the one to shoot him was the ever so annoying Skulker. Danny didn't want to deal with him today so he decided to take care of him quickly. Skipping his usual quip Danny attacked with an ectoblast that caught Skulker off guard. Once Skulker recomposed himself he responded with "what no quips today, whelp?" as he launched a net at the phantom.

A school bell signaling the beginning of class could be heard below the two ghosts. Danny rolling his eyes at his tardiness replied to Skulker. "I don't have time for this Skulker. Do me a favor and just leave would you."

"Now since when have I ever done you a favor?" Once Skulker had finished his sentence Danny sent an ectoblast that hit his square in the chest. He followed it up with several punches to Skulker's head and sucking him up in the Fenton Thermos. With the battle over Danny flew behind a dumpster next to the school and changed back in to Danny Fenton. He slowly made his way to first period, English.

-----------------*Time skip to end of day*--------------------

After been given detention Danny went through the rest of his miserable day. Finally the final bell rang and Danny went outside to meet up with his bestfriends, Sam and Tucker. He found them near a tree off to the side of the school building. Waving to them Danny walked over.

"Dude happy birthday, man." Tucker exclaimed as Danny got in to earshot.

Yeah, happy birthday" Sam added.

Lost Prince (part 1/3)***COMPLETED***Where stories live. Discover now