Not Who He Thought He Was

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After Danny had fully recovered and regained his strength Jazz piled everyone in to the Spector speeder that had shown up in front of the castle, most likely Clockwork's doing, and began the long drive home. The four spent most of the ride talking about how Danny was a new prince and his responsibilities as a prince, since they didn't get that much information before everything went downhill. With his head still throbbing Danny did his best to explain his new status.

Finally the large green swirl leading to the Fenton portal showed up in front of them. Jazz pulled in to the portal and parked the Spector speeder off in the corner of the lab. Danny stepped out of the speeder first and was shocked at what he saw. The lab was still caked in the ectoplasm, blood mixture. Sam, Tucker and Jazz forgot to mention just how bad the lab looked. Once the other three were out of the speeder and noticed Danny staring at the cold metal table still sitting in the opposite corner Danny shook his head and slowly made his way through the lab.

As the four teens head up the stairs leading to the kitchen Danny mumbled something about going to his room. His two friends and sister all nodded in agreement and let him walk up the dark stairs alone. Danny reached the top of the stairs and looked around, still a little paranoid after being Dan. He noticed that all the curtains were drawn shut and none of the lights were on. It was nearly pitch black upstairs and a little difficult to see.

Not thinking much of the darkness Danny shrugged his shoulders chopping it up to his anxiety and continued to the second door on the left. While all the doors upstairs were closed Danny's room door was left open a crack. Danny pushed the door open and casually walked in not even thinking twice. Once he was fully in his room and the door was shut a large net was shot out as well as a green ray, illuminating the room for just a second. In that second Danny saw a glimpse of his attackers.One had a small build and was wearing a light blue jumpsuit, the other was a much larger build wearing a orange and black jumpsuit. The green ray had hit Danny square in the chest knocking the wind out of him and making it painful to move too much.

A small giggle sounded from the corner as Maddie Fenton flipped on the light switch to see her newest catch. Danny, still trying to even out his breaths and relive some of the pain looked to her with big begging eyes.

"Please Mom, it's me, your son." Danny pleaded "I don't want to fight you!"

"Of course you don't" Maddie replied venom practically dripping off her words "You just want to help right? I know better than to listen to ectoplasmic scum like you, Ghost!" Once Maddie had finished the two adults advanced on the small teen still stuck in the net. Danny, not wanting to fight pulled forward the cool white rings and transformed in to his alter ego, catching both Jack and Maddie off guard. He went intangible and flew out of the net and up to the Op Center trying to buy some time.

Jack and Maddie followed him up to the Op Center and were surprised to find him standing in plain sight.

"Please I don't want to fight you." Danny said sadness filling his voice.

"We just want to help you Danny, make you human again." Maddie cooed in an attempt to fool the boy to come with them.

"I am human though. I am still your son. I'm just half ghost too!" Danny thought about how he might be able to get through to them and convince them not all ghosts were bad if he could just talk to them. They were still his parents after all.

"You. Are. Not. My. Son!" Maddie said through gritted teeth.

"Yes I am, I am still your son. I still love you guys! It's your fault I'm like this anyway! That stupid portal made me this." Danny cried to his parents and strangely felt relieved to have gotten that off his chest. Shock filled his parents eyes as they put the pieces together.

Lost Prince (part 1/3)***COMPLETED***Where stories live. Discover now