Escape and Renew

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A/N: I know! Two updates! I thought hey why not. I'll be nice, for now. *Evil grin* have fun.

As Danny woke up he slowly saw the layers black peeling away from his vision. He opened his eyes to a bright light. He went to cover his eyes with his hand, until he noticed he couldn't move his hand. Slowly the memories came trickling back. The fight with Sam and Tucker, Jazz yelling, Jack and Maddie attacking him, and finally being knocked out from behind.

Danny was able to lift his head to look around and found himself in the far corner of the lab. His hands were bound down with weird glowing bands that kept him from phasing through. He was on a metal slab covered in green ectoplasm. Danny hadn't realized he was bleeding until he saw the cut though. Some how he had been forced in to transformation and had a large X shaped cut on his stomach. It looked like he was hastily stitched up recently because his advanced healing had barely made a dent in the severe cuts.

Seeing his body in this state filled Danny with panic and pain. He struggled for what felt like hours until he finally gave up due to the pain. A loud bang suddenly sounded from above him. It was the lab door opening and closing behind two people. Slowly Jack and Maddie Fenton made their way down the stairs to find Danny struggling even more on their lab table.

"It's pointless you know." Maddie said with a slight chuckle. "That's ghost proofed, you can't get out. Why would you anyways? It's not like you can feel pain, you're a ghost."

"I am YOUR SON." Danny cried as the two approached him laying helpless on the cool steel table. Maddie and Jack simply shook their heads with smiles on their faces and proceeded to cut Danny open. They cut and poked and prodded him for hours, every minute complete torture for Danny. He couldn't die because he was in his ghost form but he could feel everything they were doing to him. Ever excruciating second pushed Danny farther and farther into the welcoming darkness of unconsciousness but Maddie would always stop right before he could actually fade away in to it.

The pain finally stopped when the sound of the front door sounded from above the three. Danny attempted to scream, hoping to get Jazz's attention but Jack muzzled Danny before he could. Maddie chuckled at this and placed her index finger over her puckered lips, signaling to Danny to be quiet. The two left up the stairs after changing jumpsuits, so Jazz wouldn't see all the ecto plasmin on her parents.

------------------------*Three Weeks Later*------------------------

After more struggling Danny stopped to rest. He was exhausted. Jack and Maddie had experimented on him for the day and Jazz was home. It was the same routine every day. Jazz leaves for school, Jack and Maddie come down and experiment on him for hours, with a break for their lunch, Jazz comes home, and repeat tomorrow.

He was wearing the same muzzle as always to keep him from yelling for help. The two still believed he felt no pain. Tell that to my sore body Danny thought. He had planned ways to escape for the last three weeks, none worked. Looking around to try and find any way to escape Danny found the Fentons had left a scalpel in his reach by accident. Using the little slack he had on his ghost cuffs so he reached with everything he had. He got it and began sawing away at his left cuff. It was difficult but Danny was determined. This could be his one way out.

Later that night Danny finally got through enough of the cuff to break it. One big pull and the cuff ripped right off. Hastily he unbuckled his other hand, his feet and his waist. Danny stood up shakily, he was still weak from all the experiments. Slowly he limped his way to the main console where the master control for the Fenton's ghost portal was. Danny's adrenaline began to run as he heard a small rustling upstairs. It was probably Jack, looking for his midnight fudge.

Danny punched the code in to open the portal and the slowly slid open. The second the portal was open enough for him to fit through Danny was gone. He used all the strength he had and pushed off of the ground, floating in to the ghost zone. Won't Jack and Maddie be surprised tomorrow Danny thought. Once he was in the ghost zone there was only one place he knew he would be safe. Phantom's Keep.

Wandering aimlessly through the ghost zone Danny began to feel the adrenaline wearing off. His eyes began to droop and darkness threatened to wash over the young Halfa Prince. He spent hours trying to find Phantom's Keep but he was completely lost. Danny finally succumbed to the darkness and began to drift through the ghost one.


When Danny woke up he was in a large bed. The sheets were white with black accents, as well as the pillows. The walls of the room were black like his hazmat suit. The bed was centered on the wall opposite the door and there were nightstands on either side. there was a dresser next to the door, Danny assumed lead out into the rest of the building. To Danny's right was another door that led to what Danny saw was a bathroom.

Slowly and tentatively Danny slid the soft comforter off his legs and swung them over the side of the bed. He stepped down on to a fuzzy rug that was snow white. He walked over to the bathroom and looked inside. On a chair next to the shower was a black and white hazmat suit matching his. Danny took this as a hint and decided he did need a shower.


After Danny washed off and examined his almost fully healed wounds he changed and went to the door leading to the outside. He opened it just a crack and noticed that the outside was a long hall. Suddenly he realized where he was. He had made it to Phantom's Keep. slight relief washed over Danny as he made his way to the throne room where Fright Knight was waiting for him.

"What happened Fright?"

"I could as you the same question, you highness. We found you unconscious floating this direction a day or two ago. Immediately we brought you here and gave you medical assistance of course."

"I have decided to become a full time prince" Danny told Fright Knight with pain and sadness in his eyes. He didn't want to talk about what happened to him, he didn't even want to think about it. So he acted like nothing was wrong.

"Very well sir. Are you sure you're ok though? You look a little green." Danny nodded and Fright left the thrown room to let Danny think. As Danny stood in the middle of the large room his head began pounding. He kept thinking about how everyone he loved now hated him, how he disappointed them, how he failed them. Maybe Sam and Jazz were right, he didn't trust them. He kept so much to himself and didn't tell them. Why? Because he wanted to protect them or himself?

As his thoughts continued like this Danny felt a weird pull in his core. It was a cold, evil pull. Slowly it began to surface. Danny's pain only amplified to a point he couldn't stand. Danny kneeled over in pain from his core. He suddenly knew what was happening. He was coming. Once Danny realized this and made no effort to stop it a green light began glowing around him. What to I have left? Why try and stop it anymore? I'm tired of fighting it. he thought as the pain decreased and the light grew brighter. The light coming from Danny's core reached the brightest it could then it dimmed and darkened. It was changing him. Hysterical laughter started coming from where Danny once was.

The dark light soon cleared and where the scrawny and small teenager was one standing was now a very muscular and terrifying man. The figure made his way to a nearby mirror and looked at his reflection. What he saw didn't surprise him. His once olive skin now a sickly blue, his white bangs now stood on end in flames and the most disturbing of all, his caring toxic green eyes were now the color of fresh blood glistening on the ground.

He had become exactly what he promised his sister he would never be. He was no longer the sweet, caring Danny that put his life on the line for people. He was Dan.

"Finally" he said in to the mirror looking at his new appearance"guess I wasn't lying when I said I couldn't avoid it." then he let out a blood curdling cackle only Dan could have.

A/N: Ok so yeah... PLEASE DON'T HATE ME!!! I had to do it. The story line called for it. Also it was probably really obvious. Thank you for reading this far guys I appreciate it. I will try and get another update out soon but... we'll see. *Wicked evil grin*. Don't forget to comment, vote and tell me your thoughts!!!

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