Help Needed

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Sam and Tucker were hurriedly walking down the sidewalk leading to their friends house worried to the bone and soaked from the pouring rain. Danny hadn't been to school for the last three weeks and he hasn't contacted them at all. Normally after a fight they would all cool down and then everything would be good but something was wrong. It wasn't like Danny to just cut all contact for so long unless something was seriously wrong.

Finally the large sign reading "Fenton Works" illuminated brightly came over the hill and the two teens made their way up the steps to the front door. Sam knocked loudly patiently waiting to get out of the rain. There was a bit of commotion on the other side of the door then it slowly opened. In the small crack on the other side of the door stood a teen with tear lines streaked down her cheeks and puffy eyes. Once she saw who was at the door she opened it the rest of the way.

"Sam, Tucker? What are you doing here?" Jazz questioned.

"We were looking for Danny. He hasn't been at school, and he won't return our calls and texts." Sam replied about to start crying herself. She couldn't let go of the way she treated Danny last time she saw him. She wished she never yelled at him. If she could she would take it all back.

Jazz welcomed the teens in to the house breaking Sam from her thoughts. Jazz walked the two through dark house in to the slightly illuminated kitchen. The trio sat down at the dinning table and sat in awkward silence for several minutes.

Tucker now uncomfortable broke the silence. "So... um... where's Danny."

"He's... gone" Jazz managed to choke out between sobs. She began balling with her face in her hands.

Sam and Tucker sat in shock for several minutes watching Jazz cry. They couldn't believe their best friend was dead, fully dead.

"How... how is he... did he...die?" Sam whispered to Jazz.

"What! No he... he's not dead." Jazz corrected pulling back her composure "He disappeared in to the ghost zone. He left us. After I treated him so badly to." The last part she said mostly to herself.

"Jazz, don't feel bad we all treated him horribly this is all our faults." Tucker said. Suddenly Jazz remembered the letter Danny had left taped to her door for the two. She turned to her bag which was on the back of her chair and pulled out the slightly crumpled envelope. Sliding it across the table she handed it to the two friends. Slowly Sam took the letter and opened it.

"We have to find him, now." She said in a monotone. "He's in trouble." Immediately the trio stood up and made their way to the lab downstairs.

The farther down they went the deeper they traveled in to darkness. Jazz had refused to enter the lab since Danny disappeared three weeks ago, it reminded her too much of him. At the bottom of the stairs Jazz couldn't even see her own hand inches from her face so she reached out for the wall.

When her hand touched the wall it felt slightly sticky. Rubbing her hand around the wall a little she found the light switch and flipped it. What the three saw as the lights flickered to life made them all freeze. A table was askew in the corner covered in a green and red concoction. Next to the table was a cart full of utensils you would find in horror movies. Saws and scalpels, tweezers and clamps, torture devices. On the floor next to the dirtied devices and table was a now dull scalpel and a ghost proofed cuff that was cut open.

Breaking out of the daze first was Jazz as she slowly looked down at her hand. It too was now covered in ectoplasm specked blood. Jazz walked over to the table as tears poured over her eyes down her cheeks and off her chin. She looked over the table then back at the two younger teens still standing at the base of the stairs staring at the mess of the lab.

Jazz fell to her knees and cried even harder. Sam and Tucker finally broke their gaze and walked to comfort the girl on the floor. The three stayed there for what felt like hours trying to process what may have happened here. Finally Jazz stood and walked to a counter that was slightly cleaned off. She washed her hands off and tried to get the blood off her genes before turning to the two younger teens again.

"We need to find him." she said sternly.

"Agreed" the other two said in unison. The three began looking around for any clues as to where the young halfa went. A blue light began glowing in the middle of the room as the teens were about to give up.

A blue line appeared out of thin air. The long line started to go in a circle revealing the light to be the shape and appeance of a clock. Once the large minute hand had reached the top of the clock again the light disappeared a dark figure stood in place of the clock.

The figure wore a dark purple cloak with a black gear holding it on over his right shoulder. He had an exposed part in his chest that showed a small clock. He had a black belt with a fob watch hanging from it. In his gloved hand the ghost held a staff with a clock on the end. The ghost himself seemed to very old with a white beard and a scare over his red eyes.

"Clockwork!" Sam and Tucker exclaimed at the same time.

"Hello my friends. I'm afraid I-"

"Where is Danny?" The trio said cutting off Clockwork.

"That is why I am here." Clockwork said as he transformed in to his toddler form. "It has happened." The three could not believe what they had just heard Clockwork say. Of course had the elder ghost said this to anyone else they would not have any clue what he was talking about but these three and Danny knew of the dark path he was supposed to follow.

"No. No he can't have. He... He promised" Jazz denied.

"That's not possible Clockwork. He would never!" Sam cried. Tucker couldn't even deny it.

"It's true." Tucker said from behind everyone. Sam and Jazz turned on him with daggers in their stares. "He said it was because we all turned on him right? Well I think your bestfriends refusing to talk to you, your sister hating you and your stinking parents experimenting on you for three weeks counts as everybody turning on you. He was so alone he fell, and none of us were there to catch him. We were all so mad he didn't tell us about him being prince we didn't think how he may feel and react." Tuck finished and all four stood, or floated in Clockworks case, in silence.

"How do we help him? What are we supposed to do?" Jazz questioned.

"I take you to Phantom's Keep, where you will talk to him. He is not too far gone yet, we may yet be able to save him." With that the three teens nodded their heads and geared up. Upstairs there was a loud banging and shuffling around. Before the group could leave Jack Fenton came down the stairs with Maddie right behind him. The two adults leapt in to fighting stances and pulled out small ghost fighting blasters.

"Let go of the children ecto scum!" Maddie shouted at Clockwork.

"He's not the scum here." Jazz said to her mother "he's here to help us save Danny, you know the one you experimented on, YOUR SON!" she practically screamed, venom dripped from her voice.

"He was not our son, he was an abomination!" Maddie yelled back.

"No, he was a hero. Because of you though, he may be dead." With that Jazz turned to Clockwork and prepared to leave.

"Wait." Jack spoke up. "Let me come with you and help save my son."

"What are you doing Jack?" Maddie said with betrayal in her eyes.

"Helping my son Maddie, our son." Jack then turned to the elder ghost too and held out his hand for his wife. Maddie accepted his hand, but only after grabbing one small thing from a cabinet in the lab.

"Let's go" she said and together the six transported in to the ghost zone and to Phantom's Keep.

Lost Prince (part 1/3)***COMPLETED***Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang