Chapter 9

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Amy's pov
So I just found out my mom is pregnant. I don't understand how though because my mom is really old. My dad comes back in the room and tells me that the wedding is getting ready to start. John goes out first. He walks down the aisle and goes and stands by Toby. Then Ashley walks down the aisle. Then Lauren and then Grace. Adrian walks down and the wedding march comes on. My dad and I walk down the aisle and once we reach the end I'm greeted by Ricky and he shakes my dad's hand and my dad gives me a kiss on the cheek. Ricky and I hold and hands and the pastor starts to say the things he has to say. It's now time for Ricky's vows
Ricky's vowels
Amy Marie Juergens, I never thought I was capable of loving someone until u came into my life. When I saw you the first time at Band Camp I fell in love with you. I of course had to ruin any chance with you when I got you pregnant. We thought it was the worst thing in the world but really it was the best thing that had ever happened to me. When we started dating I realized you were the only person I ever wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I promise to always be faithful to you and john. I promise to love you unconditionally until I take my last breath on this earth. I will be there for you when you are sick and when you have a problem. I will be here for you in sickness and in health. I love you so much Baby. By the end of his vows I am literally in tears. How did I ever get so lucky??? Now it's my turn to say my vows.
Amy's vowels
Richard Thomas Underwood, I always thought I was the ugly band geek. When I met you everything changed. I was never worried about how I looked but when I met you I always had to make sure I looked my best. When I got pregnant I tried to hate you for it but it never worked. Getting pregnant was the best thing that had ever happened to me because if not I don't know if we would be here right now. Baby your the best thing that has ever happened to me. I promise to always love you and be faithful to you and our family. I promise to be here for you through thick and thin. I will always love you unconditionally no matter what. I will be here for you in sickness and health. I love you so much babe.
By the end of me saying my vowels we are both in tears. Good thing I wore water proof makeup. The Pastor says "do you Ricky take Amy to be your Wife". Ricky says "I do". The pastor says "Amy do you take Ricky to be your Husband". I say "I do". The pastor finally says "Ricky you may now kiss the bride". After we kiss we walk to the limo to head to the wedding reception. Once we arrive we have our first slow dance. We dance to the song A Thousand Years. After we dance for a little bit we get cocktails and other drinks. The food comes out. We are having chicken with mashed potatoes some noodles, corn, fruit, salad and soup. After we eat we dance some more and then decide to cut the cake. Ricky and I go up front and cut the cake together. We each get a piece and I feed him a piece and he feeds me one. Now it's time for the special wedding dances. The girls and I danced to a few songs and the boys did too. After that i throw my bouquet and Ashley catches it. Then Ricky comes over to me and takes my garter off by his teeth. He takes it out of his mouth and throws it. Toby catches it and Ashley and Toby kiss. Ricky and I decide to go home and pack because we are leaving in 2 hours for our honeymoon. I have no idea where we are going. We says our goodbyes and head home. When we get home we pack and then get in the car to drive to the airport. We get on our plane and take off.

A little authors note
I know this is a long chapter. Comment below if u enjoyed it. Plz vote on this story and thank you for over 200 reads I didn't think this story would be that good and that no one would read it so it means a lot to me. Thank you to everyone who reads this story and I should have another update here soon!!

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