Another Party

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"What are you doing home?" My brother and Tyler asked at the same time as I sighed. "Felt sick. I told Slade to stay and have fun." I mumbled and practically ran to my bedroom hoping they wouldn't ask anymore questions. I laid down and closed my eyes after changing into something more comfortable.

I woke up to an angry Slade slamming my door open. "What in the heck is wrong with you?" He yelled as I raised an eyebrow groggily and checked the time. 5:24. "What in the world? Slade it's five in the morning." I muttered pulling the blanket over my head as he yanked my covers away. "Oh no. I have been looking everywhere for you. I couldn't find you anywhere." He yelled as I shrugged. "I felt sick. Now let me go back to sleep." I tried yanking my covers back as he shook his head. "Oh no you don't. I was humiliated when I couldn't find you. I have been up all night looking for your dumb self. You could have told me." I grabbed another blanket near me and clutched it against my chest before turning away from him with my eyes closed. I was going to get him to leave so I could go back to sleep. "You were busy. I didn't want to ruin your night too. Besides I told you, you were probably drunk off your behind. And if you pull that any further you are going to see my underwear. And if you see my underwear then I will kill you, understand?" I asked as he threw the blanket down at me angrily before stomping out of my room and slamming my door. "And don't slam my door you angry jerk!" I yelled as I heard the front door slam shut and his truck rev up before flying out the driveway. It would be funny if I didn't feel bad. But he was the one who bet on me. He bet on me, I had every right to do whatever I wanted to him. He'll be fine. I laid back down and closed my eyes trying to go back to sleep but it wouldn't come. I was now to awake to go back to sleep, no thanks to Slade Quinn. "Ugh!" I groaned kicking my blankets away and pulling on shorts before angrily going to the kitchen. "Whoa." I said startled by the chuckling Jordan who stood by the counter. "What got you and Slade so unhappy." I looked around on the floor and in the fridge before turning to my brother, who I had hoped got distracted by now. But he didn't. "I didn't tell him I left last night. And apparently I humiliated him and made him stay out and up all night looking for me. He woke me up at 5 in the morning, yelling at me." I growled as I sat on the counter while he laughed. "He will live. He'll probably be back by dinner, if not then by tomorrow at lunch or dinner." I rolled my eyes. "I don't care when he comes back as long as he never does that again because if he does i promise you Jordan, your best friend will end up sleeping in a cave for the rest of his life. Or a ditch." I mumbled as he laughed. "Oh great." I sighed running a hand through my hair. I went to the living room and plopped down on the couch. I curled up on the couch and feel asleep quickly.

Groggily I sat up, the blanket falling from my arms as I looked around confused. "Morning sleeping beauty. Or should I say afternoon since its like four in the afternoon." He muttered as I jumped, startled by him being behind me. He casually just rested on his forearms on the back of the couch. "So why did you really run off?" He asked as I stood up ignoring him. I had to play his game and play it hard. "No reason baby, im sorry." I muttered hugging him as he stiffened. He eventually hugged me back as I smirked. He bet on me, I would show him just how shallow I could be. "You sure?" I nodded and kissed his cheek before going into the kitchen to grab something to eat. I heard him start mumbling so I moved closer to the door to hear. "I don't know man, she's acting fine except she is being nice." A pause. "No I mean she was never rude just sarcastic and she was never the one being affectionate with me unless I made the move in front of people. Something is up." Another pause. "I don't know. She wouldn't tell me if I asked." A longer pause. "Well I don't think she talked to Joel." A pause, I did talk to Joel. He was the one who told me about the bet. "Even if she did. You really think he'd do that?" Another pause. "Yeah. I mean I don't know. Okay bye man, I will catch you later." I scurried and sat on the counter just in time for him to walk into the kitchen. "What's up with you?" I raised an eyebrow and pressed my lips together as I looked away. "Nothing." "Bull." I snapped my gaze to him and glared. I hated when he called my bluff. "You bit your lip." "There is nothing up with me. It is a game after all." i hopped off the counter and strutted past him to call Ace.

"Hey Ace, I need help. I gotta make Slade jealous out of his mind and mess with him a bit." Ace just chuckled. "Hey Ace, how's your trip going? Oh great and hello to you to Jace." "Hey sorry Ace. How's your trip?" "Its great. And okay I heard there is a party over on Pickett. You could ask Zander, he knows." "Better yet get Zander to come pick me up so I can mess with Slade even more." I said happily as Ace nodded. "Alright you text him." "Okay so for real. How is Texas?" He sighed as I chuckled. "Isn't that bad, just hot. Really really hot. But the girls. Man they're so much hotter than the weather." I laughed as I texted Zander. "Hey heard there is a party. Wanna go with me?"

"Yeah I will pick you up at six." I nodded and turned my attention back to the rambling Ace who was talking about some red head he had met. "Oh really?" I asked as I pictured him rolling his eyes. "Whatever go get ready for your fake date with Zander." "How'd you know?" I asked as he laughed. "Zander just texted me 'Hey dude I think Jacer just asked me out. How weird. Goin to a party with her. At least I can act like we're a thing and it not be awkward since we're friends.' I can't believe you." He mumbled as I sighed. "At least he's right. Hey I got like thirty minutes to get ready for this party so I will talk to you later." "Okay bye love ya Jace." "Bye Ace. Love ya too." I hung up and went to my closet hunting for the perfect outfit.

Thirty minutes later I walked into the living room were Slade, Jordan, and Tyler all sat on the couch watching a movie. I twirled in a circle careful not to trip on my heels as my dress clung to my body. "Uh where do you think you're going looking like that?" Jordan asked as Slade's jaw fell to the floor with his eyes as big as the sky. "A party on Pickett. I will be back around midnight maybe later. Don't wait up. Love you." I kissed Jordan's cheek as he nodded. "Okay you have a ride?" I nodded smirking as I noticed Slade hadn't taken his eyes off of me yet. "Got a staring problem Slade?" He just blinked as Tyler raised an eyebrow. "I thought you weren't the party person." "I'm not but my friend is. Plus I thought yall would be going." I smirked knowing it would drive Slade crazy. "Nah we decided on a movie night." I nodded and as if on cue a horn honked. Zander's horn to be exact. "That's my ride. See yall tomorrow." I mumbled with a wave before dashing outside chuckling to myself. "Hey JT. You look great." I heard Zander say as I smiled. "Hey Zan." I mumbled hugging him as I saw a flash of the curtain. Slade was definitely watching so I smiled my most dazzling smile and climbed into Zander's pickup.

The music was blaring and I was having fun hours later. I was dancing in the middle of the floor with Zander, who I have to say has been the perfect gentleman. He hasn't drank so he could drive me home when we were ready to leave. He hasn't said or did anything inappropriately. I know we are just friends but I had never even considered Zander boyfriend material, for any girl let alone me. I guess I always saw the ball playing, burp warring, dirty mouthed teenage boy that he was. But here we are smiling and laughing soberly as we swayed to the music. "Hey isn't that your brother's best friend?" Zander asked as I looked behind me to see a glaring Slade standing in the corner. "Yeah." "He lives with you don't he?" I shook my head as he rested his hands on my waist. "Well he seems to be staring at you." Zander whispered close to my ear as I giggled for show before shaking my head. "Nah he just likes having what isn't his. Me and him have this game going and right now you are taking what's his so you better watch yourself." I warned as Zander laughed and shrugged a shoulder. "You are no where near his JT. Especially if you and I are dancing like this." He mumbled in my ear as I wrapped my arms around his neck giggling again. We weren't dancing dirty but we certainly looked like a couple. That's when Slade began storming over. This night was going to end very very badly if something didn't happen soon.

Playing The Player's Game (Book 1 In The Player Series)Where stories live. Discover now