Loving Slade

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She pushed her boxes into the truck as she sighed heavily. She was really leaving. This was it. She would be gone after this. I watched her as she leaned against the truck staring back at the house. It was almost as if she was taking it in because she would never see it again or something. Her thin pink lips disappeared as she licked them and blew out a breath of air. Her steel gray eyes scanned every inch of the place as the sun caught them and made them shine. Her long blonde hair flew in the wind as she smiled sadly. "Im going to miss you Jor." She hugged him tight as he squeezed her. "You too, JT." She hugged her uncle J next and Tyler and Marcus. And then she stopped in front of me and exhaled. "Goodbye Slade." She mumbled as she went to turn around but I pulled her back and wrapped her in a hug before kissing her forehead. "I'll miss you JT." "Ill miss you too Slade. I'm sorry." She whispered and squeezed me one last time before climbing into the truck with her uncle Jesse. Before I could even ask why she was sorry she was gone. My baby girl that i loved was gone. Wait loved? Yeah I loved my JT and now she was gone. And it was all my fault. This whole stupid game and everything was all my fault.

Six weeks later


I smiled out into the sea as my two new friends, Todd and Stephen, threw the ball back and forth and to me. "So JT, tell me about back home." Todd said as I smiled. "It's amazing. I miss it a lot." "You mean you miss him?" "Huh?" I asked realizing I had never mentioned Slade or any guy from back home. Just Jordan, who is my brother. "Come on don't tell me as pretty as you are you didn't leave some guy heartbroken back home." I shook my head. "Well he left me heartbroken before I left, but it was my fault." I said as Stephen smirked. "So you can be mine?" He asked jokingly as I shook my head and smiled. They walked beside me as we all sat down and laughed. "Oh no Stephen as cool as you are I just couldn't." I muttered as my phone rang. Jordan. "Hello?" "Hey sis. What you doing?" "Hanging with Todd and Stephen. What about you?" "Slade, Marcus, Kaleb, Ace, and Tyler. They're all watching a movie." "Fun. How are things there?" "Good. But everyone misses you." I nodded as Todd bumped me with his shoulder. "I miss yall too." "Even Slade?" I sighed and fake laughed. "I don't know Jordan." "Well are you coming to visit like uncle J said?" I shook my head sadly. "No. I can't make it." I said slightly biting my lip and realizing it. If Slade was here he would call my bluff. "Oh well I wish you could." "Me too." "Hey man what are you doing?" I heard on the other end as a ruckus of noise followed behind. I really did miss the noisiness. "Talking to JT. Movie ended?" "Yeah im next." I heard one of the guys call out. "Hey why don't we just Skype so we can all see her?" Another voice asked as I sighed. Trying to come up with an excuse was easier than I thought. "Oh im on the beach and you know I don't have my computer so I can't. And facetime is too hard with everyone." I muttered as Jordan sighed. "Well I am skyping you later tonight." I nodded. "You better." "Okay well Ace is next. Bye I love you." "Bye love you too." I sighed as Todd smiled at me and I mouthed a sorry to him and Stephen who shook their heads. "Hey Jace." "Hey Ace. How have you been?" "Oh you know, getting the ladies." "As if." Someone yelled out as I laughed. "That's good. Just don't forget little old me okay? Im going to need my best friend when I come to visit." "You planning on staying?" He asked as I shrugged and looked at Todd and Stephen. "Maybe. I don't know. I've liked the fresh start. Maybe this is where I am supposed to be. I don't know." "Well uncle J wants next so I will see you later tonight." "Bye love ya Acey." "Bye love ya Jacey." He muttered before passing the phone on.  I talked to everyone or so I thought except Slade. "Hello." "Slade?" I asked as a pause happened before everything got quiet on his end. Todd and Stephen just looked over at me as I shook my head. "Yeah. How have you been?" "Good. You?" "Good." "Start school yet?" I asked as Stephen stood up. "I gotta go. Bye JT. Bye Todd." "Oh bye Stephen." I called as he hugged me and tapped Todd's knuckles with his before walking off. "Sorry Slade." "No problem and yeah. We started last week. You?" "Yeah two days ago." "That's cool." "Yeah. But hey I gotta go do stuff so bye Slade." "Bye baby- I mean JT." I hung up staring at my phone as Todd looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "You heard that?" He nodded as he helped me up. "He would call me baby girl, princess, baby, and anything else. He is a player so. Yeah." I said as he shook his head and sighed. "Well at least he didn't call you one of those, huh?" He winked one of his chocolate brown eyes as I rolled my own gray ones and shoved him in the back door.

For being a former lieutenant and now police chief, my uncle Jesse is not as strict as I thought he is. But he is a lot more strict than uncle J is. But it is definitely not unbearable living here, like I thought. Plus he lives on the beach. I mean for me that was amazing. I have literally swam in that ocean every single day since I moved here six weeks ago. Meeting Todd and Stephen have been one of the best things that have happened to me. I met Todd first, here on the beach. He lives next door. We clicked immediately and became best friends. Stephen however was flirt and I even hated him at one point but he and Todd were a

package deal so I tolerated him. Now I have grown to be friends with him as well now.

Todd and I sat on my bed later that night as my laptop rang with a Skype. I answered it as I waited for it to connect. Todd sat slightly behind me but beside me so he could play with my hair. "Hey little sis." "Hey Jor." I said as he smiled. "Hey Ace and-oh hey Slade." I said as all three of their faces filled the screen. "Ace and Slade this is Todd. Todd this is Ace, my best friend, and Slade, Jordan's best friend." I said as he waved and went back to playing with my hair. "Well I just wanted to say hey before I had to go. Nice meeting you Todd." Ace muttered before waving bye and leaving. "Bye Ace." "Nice meeting you Ace. Heard a lot about you." After a pause Jordan spoke up. "So Todd you and my sister are in the same grade right?" Todd nodded as he ran his fingers through the braid and wrapped his arms around me in a hug. Slade stiffened slightly as I smiled at Jordan. "Are you the reason she isn't coming to visit?" "Jordan!" I scowled as Todd shook his head and chuckled. "Don't worry when Tara, my sister, gets to liking boys I will be just like him. I totally understand. And to answer your question Jordan, no i even got clearance from my parents to visit with her for the weekend but things happen." He muttered knowing I wasn't going because I didn't want to face Slade yet. I was just starting to feel myself. "Oh well you'll have to come too. Sometime." "Yeah." "Jordan come pick up your mess." I heard uncle J yell as I chuckled and Slade smirked. "Told you." "I'll be back maybe." Jordan ran off as Slade smiled. "He split uncle J's friend's daughter's orb things. They are like gel balls and they are really tiny and they are everywhere. Like hundreds of them." I laughed picturing Jordan do that as Todd loosened his arms before playing with my hair again. "So." I said as Slade looked around. "You and Todd seem happy." "Oh no we aren't together." "Yet." Todd added to my statement as I rolled my eyes. Jordan showed back up smiling as I smiled. "Hey we have a lot of studying and homework to get done." I said as Todd laid his head in the middle of my back. "No I don't wanna." I just rolled my eyes at him and said bye to Jordan and Slade before Todd did the same. I shut the laptop before looking over at Todd. "You and him?" He raised his eyebrows as I nodded. "Not officially. And he didn't even like me. He never did." "It would be a crime not to like you." Todd whispered as he leaned in. I leaned in as well until our lips finally touched. They moved in perfect synch. When we finally pulled apart I looked down as he smiled at me. "You're still in love with him?" "I'm sorry Todd." He shook his head and pulled me into a hug. "Don't be. Don't ever be sorry for loving someone else. And besides i will always be your best friend and be here for you, JT." I hugged him back thankful for the great best friend that I have. I just hope one day I will be able to kiss him without still loving Slade.

Playing The Player's Game (Book 1 In The Player Series)Where stories live. Discover now