Day Four of Visiting Home

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This was it. The day I had to decide if I would stay or go. The day that would determine the future of the rest of my life. The day that I set the path for the future me. I just hoped i would make the right decision.

I sat on the couch with uncle J, Jordan, Slade, and Todd. We are supposed to talk about the future. "Look Jacey. I sent you there because I didn't want the amazing little girl I knew to grow up into the monster you were becoming. In the last ten months, it has been the quietest I have ever heard this house. It lost the light and laughter when you left. And some days I almost called Jesse and had him put you on a plane and send you back here. But I am glad I didn't. You have turned out to be a wonderful young lady who will do great things. Rather you stay or go back, it's up to you; but whatever you do know that we all love you and want what is best for you. That is why I am giving you the choice. Because I know you will do what is best for you and that you have a good head on your shoulders. I love you Jacey Lou." "Love you too uncle J." I said as Jordan sighed. "My turn. I have missed you. Mostly our bickering and yelling and throwing things. But I miss having you around. It hasn't been close to the same since you left. I am glad my old Jacer is back. JT, as much as I hope you will stay I think you and I both know where your heart belongs. I don't want you to go. But I know you have to do what is best for you. I am not asking you to stay or go because I never could do that. I would never hinder you or hold you back from something you need to do. So rather you stay or you go, I will always love you and I will always be here for you." I nodded as I wiped tears away. "Can I go next?" Todd asked as we all nodded and I chuckled a bit. "JT. It has been great getting to know you the last ten months, but your family here loves you. You have amazing family and great friends here. Im asking you not to walk away from that. You have become this beautifully intelligent woman since I met you. I remember the first day you called me a loser and an idiot and a few other things. I also remember how you hated Stephen. But you changed and I have caught a glimpse of the girl they lost. I'm so luck to have met you and became friends with you but I can't ask you to come back if it means leaving them behind." I nodded as he rubbed my hand and Slade finally spoke up. "I won't ask you to stay or go because I know it is no use. Knowing you, you have already made up your mind. Whatever you choose I will support you. JT I have watched you grow up. Literally. I have seen you as the bright baby blue eyed kid who ran and ran and loved adventures. I have seen you as the toothless happy child. I have seen you become a beautifully talented teenager. And I have seen you lose everything. That day that you challenged me in the kitchen, I saw a glimpse of the old JT. The one who never backed down. The one who loved fully without thought. And I thought maybe if I agreed I could pull my old JT back. But I was wrong. And in the end I only hurt you more than you already were. You had already lost everything and only had Ace, Jordan, uncle J, and me left. What I did was wrong, I took one of the only people you had left and im sorry. But now you have Todd and Stephen and im sure you made lots of other friends in California because that bright smile and those lovely eyes are irresistible. I won't ask you to stay or go but do know just like Jordan, I love you and I will always be here for you. And Ace couldn't come so he told me you better not leave and he loves you. But he knows you love him too." I chuckled as I wiped tears from my eyes. "I need some air first." i sighed before disappearing onto the back porch.

They were all right. I had already made up my mind and I just hope i am making the right decision. I felt two arms circle around me as the hugged me close and set their chin on my head. "It was either Todd or Slade. "I really am sorry JT." Slade's voice said as I turned to face him. He let his arms loosen but left them around me. "I wish things were different. I wish we were still together." "But we aren't Slade. We never really were. It was some stupid game that left us both hurt." He sighed and lifted my chin with his index finger and thumb before lightly kissing my lips. I finally pulled away and sighed. "I want you JT. And only you." He whispered as I looked down at his chest, but when he said that my eyes shot up. I stared up at Slade Quinn, his dark hair, piercing bluish green eyes, natural sun tanned skin, and muscular build that still makes my head spin. "Sometimes we don't get what we want Slade. I waited day after day. I cried at night. I wanted nothing more than to get a phone call or a simple text from you and I got nothing. Not a thing. Todd let me cry on his shoulder and rant to him and he heard countless memories of you and I. He has been there for me when you weren't. You didn't want me then. You only want me now because im back to being me. What if I wasn't? What if I had changed and stayed different? You wouldn't want me. You and I aren't meant to be. Slade, I love you, but I can't do this to myself. Because what happens next time? What happens when I don't do things your way? Are you going to leave again? And don't you dare promise me things. You won't keep them. I held on to everything and I got broken by it. I have these scars on my heart that have finally healed that you put there. I can't do it Slade." 

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