Chapter 6 - A Merry Morning

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"It taste a whole fucking lot better in a possessed blood lust," I say to them all. I gave EJ the 'How the fuck do you eat this shit everyday?!' look.

"That was so fucking sexy..." Ej remarked and you face palmed at the remark.

I blush a little by rub it off right away.

"How the fuck?" BEN asks.

End of Recap.

You walk past everyone and go upstairs to your room.

That is until you realize you got no room.

"SSSLLLLEEENNNDDDDYYY!!!!!!!" You yell like an annoying 5year old about to have a tantrum(Yes. Yes I just did that).

Slender teleported in front of you and said,"What child?"

"May I have a room pretty please?" You ask wth puppy dog eyes.

"Yea child, follow me I suppose," he replies.

You follow Slender to a door. The door is black and f/c. It's next to a green door and a blue with black splattered door. (Ermagerd way to many doors).

Slender stops and opens the door with black and f/c on it. You open up to see a queen bed that has a black and f/c sheets, blankets and pillows. Across from the bed is a T.V. on one side of the wall there is a closet with clothes in it. Next to the closet is a desk with a f/c laptop on it with a black lamp. On the other wall is a door.

"The wall over there with the door is he bathroom. The only think to worry about is that you share with Eyeless Jack. The thing about him is that he's almost as clean as me so please don't worry, child." Slender said.

"Okay." is all you say.

"Goodnight child," he says and then disappears.

You decide to check to see if there is any pajamas to wear in the closet.

You pick out a turquoise shirt and some black booty shorts. You also get two towels for a shower.

You go to the bathroom and lock both doors. You turn on the shower and jump in.

>>>Le time skip brought to you by  Dora and Boots>>>

You get out of the shower and put on the pajamas.

When your done you head to bed.

>>>Another Time skip brought to you by Toby's Waffles>>>

When you wake up you feel like a princess.

Yes. You feel like a princess.

You walk into your bathroom and see the most horrific thing in the world(EJ's dick... No???......I'll leave now...).

Your human self. You hate it.

Your hair is a big knot and you have eye bags.(Dunn Dunn Dunnnnnn!!!)

You blink your response and count to 3.



Please be my creepypasta self....


You open your eyes to see your back. You sigh in relief.

You brush your hair and teeth. You decide to put it up in pigtails.

You walk back into your room and find some clothes.

You take out a black and white  
P!atd tee and f/c blazer. You also decide to get a black pencil skirt that goes a little above your hips and tuck in the shirt inside of the skirt. The skirt goes up to mid thigh so you don't feel under dressed.Y you also get some(Dick!!! Ok fine...) knee high striped black and f/c striped socks. You add some black combat boot to it.

That is your outfit.

You trot along to the stairs and slide along the railing to get downstairs.

You skip to the kitchen and make some chocolate and marshmallow pancakes for everyone. When your done cooking you get some pancakes and sit down. Sally come into the kitchen along with L.J. and say good morning.

"What is that aroma there Y/n?" L.J. asks.

"Oh. Those are my famous chocolate and marshmallow pancakes. You could also call them smorecakes," you giggle.

Sally immediately gets a plate and two pancakes and sits down next to you. L.J. gets a plate and has four pancakes.

Everyone comes into the kitchen. You noticed only Toby hasn't.

"Where's To-"You were cut of by the door slamming open.

There's Toby.

"ARE THOSE PANCAKES?!?!"He screams while asking the question.

I nod.

"Who made them?" He questioned sceptically. I raise my hand.

He glares and walks to the pancake pile. He sniffs them.

"Can I trust her?" He asks Sally.

Sally nods vigorously.

I didn't realize this is a really big deal making pancakes.

"What's in them?" He asks getting up in my face.

I push his head back and I say,"Chocolate and marshmallows with homemade pancake mix I made,"I replied.

He grabs a pancake and takes a bite. His face lights up and turns to me with the face of any 5 year old on Christmas morning.

"O.M.G!!!!!!" Toby screams and then adds,"These are the best pancakes in the whole entire world!"

"I told you they are world famous,"I beamed.

I finished my three pancakes and washed the dishes.

I went into the living room and found a book shelf. I grabbed a random book the happened to be 50 shades of grey.

I started reading until someone sat next to me.

It was Jeff's brother Lui.

"Hey gorgeousne- shut up Sully!"Lui said. He blushes a faint pink.

I remember Jeff telling me about Lui having some kind of disease that makes him have a split personality. His other personality's name is apparently Sully.

"Umm? Hi Lui. Hi Sully."I say.

"Hello y/n," They say.

I smile and continue reading.

"What book is that?"Lui asks.

"50 shades of grey. Why?" I question.

"Just wondering," he says.

I reply with a short oh and once again continue.

Lui gets up after a while. People starts to walk in the room.

It got a little to loud and rowdy so I stopped and got up. I take the book with me and start for the stairs.

I'm halfway to the stairs when I start to feel dizzy. I let it go until I start to lose feeling in my legs and stagger.

I trip and hit my jaw on the first stair. I slowly lose consciousness into the a black void.

Alright 1040 words later I finally finished this chapter. I don't really know what I was gonna write until I started.

I don't really know what's gonna happen next so ima just let my creativity come back to me. I just hope it comes cause I'm interested also.


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