Chapter 7 - Again and Again

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I'm halfway to the stairs when I start to feel dizzy. I let it go until I start to lose feeling in my legs and stagger.

I trip and hit my jaw on the first stair. I slowly lose consciousness into the a black void.

End of Recap.

Uhg. Not again. Why does not consciousness always fail on me?

I fall deeper into the void with nothing but black. No color. No nothing. I can't even see myself just a big void of black.

I hear shuffling around me and voices I just can't see or feel anything. Well can only gear things. Four seems I need to live down one more to go and I can basically be dead.

I feel my head roll back but nothing else my head then is supported again.

At this point my whole body is limp but jumping up and down and up and down. This is like this for awhile.

Uhg I hope nothing bad actually happened. After ten more seconds of jumping I hear a muffled voice yell. It kind of sounded like.

'Ache er ache uh ow dee el er.' Omg that sounds so hilarious. If I had balls, I just laughed my balls off.

Uhg I want to laugh but for now I will mentally.

I wanna yell mostly at the boys for the ruckus they caused by screen among having to make me lave but no I stumbled and git my head.

I start to hear another muffled voice this time it sounds like this.

'Ih ant ache er uh. Ee en ered a co toes.'

Ahg once again laughed my non existent balls off. Oh my fucking God I wanna laugh so fucking hard.

Oh well life's a bitch and screws with you making you not able to laugh your balls off.

Oh well I'm going to get some 'sleep'.

Jeff's POV

Oh my Zalgo. Why the hell does she always pass out. Everyone started panicking and shit. Oh well I'm not cause she always does this shit.

I run over to her and pick her up. She turns into her human form when ever this happens but oh well.

I've only known her for like three days and this doesn't effect me as much. It's like I've known her my whole life.

Toby runs with me to the infirmary and I set her on a bed.

Toby starts screaming at Slender saying," Wake her up now. Slendy help her!"

"I can't wake her up. She entered a comatose," Slender announced.

I turned around and stared him down.


Wait what am I saying? No one has a power over someone entering a comma. Jeff just wait for her she's fine. It's just a comma.

"I have some news," Slender announced one again," Y/n won't be waking up in anytime soon. She might in a couple years, or might not at all."

Oh. Mother. Of. All. Fucks.

He. Did. Not. Just. Say. That.

I went up to my room. I got there and sat.i sat for a long time. A very long time.

Okai guys sorry for the short chapter. I just didn't know where to end it. So I ended it here. Omg the cliffhanger. Not really but oh well. So I'ma go now.


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