Chapter I - The Wreckless Driver

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Hany Gonzales POV

Driving a motorbike with my cousin riding at the back and almost hit by another motorbike terrifies me, well I guess. Both me and my cousin Janine were crushed on the grassy ground at the left side of the road, we're still lucky because there's no single broken bone in my body and my cousin is also fine. After making sure that Janine is really okay, I glance on the other side of the road and found that the rider of the motorbike is still lying on the ground.

My mind is in panic but also furious. 'Is he dead? No! He's an idiot crazy wreckless driver he can't be dead, not until I confronted him!'
While my head is now on my very rare temper condition, I glance once again to Janine that is now wiping her shirt, then I cross the road and head to where the bastard is.

Vinz Dy POV

I am terribly sleepy and I nearly kill someone. No, not someone cause they were two. I fix my eyes on the other motorbike that also lying on the ground and a few feet of it were the two women wiping their self. They seem not injured thanks God for that. Relief wash over my being while looking at both two women standing from the otherside of the road and then when they both remove their helmet, that's when the big wave of shock hit me once again. I knew them. The backrider is Janine my freinds fiance' and the other woman is no other than her.

I'm analyzing her figure while seeing her in her sideview position. I can't help myself from admiring her. She's now a grown up lady and she look so hot. She's wearing a black sleeveless top that hug her upper torso and shows the perfect curve it almost look like boasting her breast. And her black jacket is tied on her hips. She's so simple but yet so eye catching and now she's heading to where I'm still lying.

Hany's POV

He's still lying on the ground. I examine the sorroundings and found no blood or shown rock that he migth hit his body. My mind automatically says 'he's drunk!'. And thinking back what happened makes my blood boil. I fold my hands into fist and get closer to the man that still wearing his helmet and lying on the ground.

Not thinking twice, I lower myself and grab him by the collar of his jacket. I'm in bad mood now and I can't let this pass.

"You bastard wreckless driver! You almost kill me and my cousin! If you want to end yourself do it alone don't drag others with you !" I knew I released those words with high tone and it also hurt my own ears. I sense someone is looking at me. I look up and see that all the people is staring with me and the bastard. 'Holy Crap! I'm making a scene in here.' I shout out loud but this bastard is lucky cause he's still wearing his helmet which means I didn't manage harming his eardrums.

After that, the man slowly moves but didn't try to escape from my holding. He slowly lift his hands over his head, now removing his helmet and revealing his face on me.

I don't know what came to me, as the time I caugth his eyes. I feel the chilly sensation run down my spine. There's something on his eyes that keeps me looking on it and not breaking the contact. I can sense that he is tired and seems like he is lacking of sleep but it doesn't lessen the fact that he is really handsome and he looks familiar.

Thinking who migth be his look alike, it brings back my temper. He looks like Vinz. Yes, I knew him, and he knew me. And I'm not wrong he is really a bastard!

Recalling everything that happened with me because of this man, really raises my body temperature. I push his chest that causes him to lay down again on the ground. He stand quickly and look at me with a very apologetic look.

"I'm so sorry. I'm not suicidal, it's an accident. I really didn't saw you two coming." he look sorry and tired but when he rakes his hair with his hand well that's a different story. He look so damn handsome.

Trying to ignore what is present in front of me, I saw Janine coming near us. As she stand near me she hold my wrist.
"That's enough Hany, we're fine. There's no broken bones, no loss of blood maybe a little bruises from the ground but we are totally fine."
Janine is now again depending someone from my temper. Well no one really knows why I hated this guy so much. And I want to leave it that way..SECRET.

Accepting that I am defeated by my cousin. I just look at her face and roll my eyes saying,
"Fine!!! but now I just lost my 'maruya' ." I expect her to say a word after complaining about the food that I bougth and now was scattered on the grass, but I heared nothing. Instead she say,

"Oh! Gosh! Vinz, you look so tired and sleepy. It's dangerous to drive with that state."

After those worried words from her, she glance at me and continue talking. I don't want to hear any of their conversation so I turn my back to them and just keep myself busy typing on my phone.

After ten minutes maybe, I feel bored and turn to face them. I don't see Janine, it's only Vinz the bastard pervert who is smiling at the other side of the road. And I saw Janine waves goodbye to both me and Vinz.

Yes! Janine drives my baby! but it's not what makes me feel sick. I am left without anything just my phone. My wallet was inside Janine's bag that means I can't commute.

I will seriously murder her growing plants later if I got home. This is freaking insane, I am left with this guy and now he is smiling at me. Oh God!
"What a freak!!! Why did she left me?" I ask him as if he can give me the freaking reason why my cousin left me.

"Relax, you can go home." he said trying to calm me. As if he really can.

"How can I relax? My money is inside Janine's bag. That means I can't commute, okay? So how can I freaking relax?" seriously I'm in panic. Thinking how can I go home without money.

Okay I am thinking. I can walk it's just five kilometers away from my home. Oh God! That is so tiring and I will look like a mad woman if I did that. Okay there's another way, I can ride a jeepney and simply beg for the driver, but that is so shameful. Or , I can ride jeepney and do the certain one, two , three technique meaning I will go down simply and never pay the poor driver.

I get loss in all that I'm thinking but Vinz got my attention.
"Hey! Come on! don't waste your time thinking how you can go home. Just ride with me. "

Seriously!? Is riding with him a good choice? 'No, he can drive you to your grave' that's my mind telling me a hint. I can't let him drive.


Hi!!! Yes you who's reading my story and not skipping your eyes on this side. Well, there's Vinz, Hany and Janine as primary characters in the first chapter. I hope it's not that bad as a start☺...

I'm excited on the next scenes of  Hany and Vinz..just keep on reading guys..but seriously it's not that good so better stop now.😂😂😂
Ok.. I am just saving your hope guys..don't assume too much😊...

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