Chapter III - Sharing Ride Again

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Before going to bed Hany takes a half bath like she always do. Enjoying the warm water cascading her body she glance on the mirror and found a naked beauty looking at her. She smile sweetly adoring her own reflection that shown on the mirror.

'My body really change a lot better from that fatty high school girl. Oh, I must forget everything about that and just get along with my life. But how? Knowing that he's just walking distance to my place... it's not that easy. '

She's lost again on her own thougths but snap back to reality when she heard her phone ringing. She quickly close the shower and cover herself with her bathrobe before going out from the bathroom.

"Hello Janine?"

"Did you pack your things already? In a few minutes everybody will be here at my house soon. Don't be late Hany!''
Hearing what her cousin said she bit her lower lip. She forgot about the beach party that the couple is throwing for their freinds.

"Ah...I'm packing...., almost done. " she lied.
"Ok. So just do it quickly.  And come over here!"
When the call has ended she rush to her wardrobe and look for everything she needs.
After she got enough clothes, she place it all inside her small black suitcase and look for clothes to wear.

After wearing a leggings and an extra large white shirt with a statement on it's back saying " I don't care who you are." She just brush her hair and tie it on a messy bun.

Not feeling contended of her look she face the mirror and apply a red matte lipstick and just  pressed powder and smile to herself.

Before she even touch her suitcase her phone rings again.

"WHERE ARE YOU?" it's a shout. Janine is mad, yes she's mad because of her cousins panctuality.

"Sorryyyyyy...Janine. I'm coming. Ok..." avoiding another word from her cousin she drop the call and pull the suitcase out of her room.

Janine's house were just three houses away from her own home so she just pull her suitcase across the direction of her cousins house.
As she is past approaching to the house she sensed a car going on her way so she glance at her back.

She didn't know whoever drives the car. It's a black Fortuner and it's windows were tinted that's why she had no idea who's inside it. She just continue her way to Janine's house and when she entered the open gate the black Fortuner also stop in front of the gate. She is curious who is inside it until the door on the driver side finally flew open and reveal the man. And no other than Vinz.

After knowing who is it, she quickly move and enter the entrance door. Seems all of both freinds were present at the rigth time except Vinz and herself.

"Oh ! Thanks God you're now here! "It's Janine who notice me first from the group inside the living room.

"I told you I'm ready." and she smile while rolling her eyes to her cousin.

That's the time Vinz enter the room and all the attention shifted to him. All men smile and calls him in unison.


Vinz greet all his freinds by hugging them.
Looks like they miss this guy for so long. It's stated on how they hug the guy.
Then Ezekiel, Janine's fiance' talk.

"Your late Vinz! I wonder what's the reason.... or maybe not what but who?" Ezekiel smile like he's up to something and then look to Hany as if he's reffering her the 'WHO' from his question to Vinz.

"Okay now that everybody is here we better get going guys! You Hany, because you're late you'll go ride with Vinz." Ezekiel motion this as a command to Hany.

"What? Why? I can go with others or rather with you and Janine!!!" She's now irritated.

Then Janine explain the setting.
" Hany, before you arive. Everyone here have already sets their belongings to the all the cars that we're bringing and unfortunately there's no room for you and your things in all of those car outside except for Vinz car because he's late like you."

After that everybody move out from the living room and made their way to the designated cars outside.

Hany's POV

So, another ride with him. I think they all tricked me now. They want to piss me off using this pervert.

Pulling my suitcase again, I made a big steps going to the black Fortuner where Vinz was already inside.

But then, he suddenly go out and steal my suitcase from me and flashes a playful smile.

"Let me be your gentelman, lady. By the way, I like your leggggggggings it sure love hugging your butt." this pervert is really wishing his death!

If only stare can kill I am pretty sure this man is already diced into many pieces. If not because of Janine, I won't go anymore with them knowing that this pervert will be my ride again.

I am lost with my own thougths but snap back to reality when I heard him call me.

"Hey! Miss Maruya, I know that your a very special person but shall we go?"

I am lost again. Not answering his question I go to the door at the back seat of his car but only to see that two suitcases were sitting on both seat meaning , I can't sit there.

"So where on Earth do you want me to sit?"
Not thinking I ask him, while raising my rigth brow.

He only chuckle and pointed the seat in front next to him.

I sigh accepting that I am defeated again. Having no choice I went to the front seat. After sitting I slam the door as hard as I could.

"Hey! Easy... this is my new baby.''
He said motioning to the car.

"Sorry." I say.

What did I say? Sorry? He's so impossible.. and why did my tounge slip that single word that made that freaking smile appear again!!!

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