Chapter IV - Room Mates

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The ride last for almost three hours. Hany and Vinz didn't say any words to each other. Hany is really upset but Vinz is enjoying the drive cause every now and then he is glancing on her.

Vinz POV

I know she's upset because she's with me but I'm lucky now to be her ride again. She's so beautiful even with a baggy shirt and not wearing any make up just a lipstick oh!! She can burn me and my car with her hotness.

I know she's still mad at me because of the last incident but what about the incident in the dressing room when we're high school?
Uhhhh!!! I need to get over it. Maybe she already forgotten it.

*end of Vinz POV

All of them park their car at the provided space of the hotel. If you can call it hotel because it's a new discovered beach. And the 'hotel' is not a big building with an elevator and many floors. Okay, we can categorize it as beach cottages but it's like a closed cottages.

As they all went out from the car. Ezekiel immedetiately went to the front desk and ask for their reservations. When Ezekiel got out he has seven keys on his hands.

"Okay guys!!! I've got the keys. Now we need the raffle draw!" all of them has a toothy smile and Hany is now the only confuse head on the group.

"Wait!? Raffle draw? For what?" Hany ask while cocking her brows. She's so puzzeled.

"We only had seven rooms. That means we need to draw who will sleep with who." this time it's Zander who answered Hany's question.

After hearing Zanders explanation Hany looks at Janine and ask.
"I'm exempted rigth Janine? I will sleep with you rigth?"

"Oh! you're not ruining my nigths with my fiance' Hany." It's Ezekiel.

"What!? Okay, I'll just get my own room."
"Ooops! sorry Hany but there's no available rooms now so you better bare and enjoy this set up. I am sure you need a spice in your boring life." It's Zander again pissing her off with a big smirk on his face.

Everybody get a paper from a cup except Janine and Ezekiel. They will really enjoy their selves alone in a room.

"Okay! Now that all of you guys got a paper, you can show it now to me one by one... Ok, starting with you Zander." Ezekiel motioned.

Zander got number two and Zenas raises her hands telling she got the same, Allan with Elsa,
Kenneth with Maya, Kenth with Liza, Gary with Aiza and lastly Vinz shows his number and Hany looks like going to murder Ezekiel.

"Omg!!! I can't believe this!!!. You just all tricked me again!!" Hany grunts in frustration.

Everybody smirk and the guys wink an eye to Vinz which now look so happy.
They all go to the designated rooms. Hany has no choice but to go with it, even she's so pissed off.

"Hey Honey, which side do you prefer, left or rigth?" It's Vinz asking about the bed arrangement.

"You really think I will sleep with you on that bed?"

"Ahmmm... maybe? Why? We're both tired from the ride so better get some sleep and this bed is big for one person plus this is more comfortable than that hard sofa."

"No way!"

"Okay! If you feel like sleeping on the floor or on that sofa then fine but if your mind change just tuck yourself here with me. Nigth Ms. Maruya!"

"What the fudge! Stop calling me that!"
"Oh! Sorry.. Sweet dreams beautiful."

Vinz already tucked in bed feeling comfortable with closed eyes while hugging a pillow. While Hany settle on the sofa, and feeling envy to the lad laying on the bed. The sofa is fine so she can sleep on it.

After thirty minutes Hany is already breathing in an even pattern so Vinz get up and slowly move closer to the sleeping lady.

Vinz POV

She's really pissed off but I can't let her sleep on this hard sofa. I'll face the consiquences of what I'm gonna do now when she wake up with me tomorrow.

She's so beautiful, her eyes when they were open and even now that they're close. She's so mesmerizing, her nose and those two cute little nostrils. Her lips that partly apart, I would love to kiss and taste it. Oh!!! What I'm thinking?

Vinz!!!! Just carry her and lay her down on the bed and stop fantacizing her! Your turning yourself into a crazy pervert lad!!!
Oh!! Now I'm talking to myself.

It's been ten years after the first time that I saw her completely naked, every part of her body developed nicely and now seems so seductive even without her effort. Just laying down and quietly sleeping but the raising and going down of her chest while she breath oh! my gosh!!! I'm going insane just watching her like this.

This is enough. All I need to do is carry her and tuck on the bed, rigth? RIGTH!!!

*end of Vinz POV

Vinz carefully carry her like a baby with her blanket and lay her on the left side of the bed. She didn't even feel the movement of Vinz, as he totally tuck her on bed she snuggle on the blanket and savor the softness of the bed.

Looking at the sleeping lady, Vinz can't stop himself from smiling. He lay down on the rigth side of the bed facing the sleeping beauty beside him.

5:00 AM

Hany's POV

It's the first time in my life that I ever feel this kind of comfort. It's so soft, gentle and warm. It feels like someone's hugging me. I need to know the brand of this bed mattress. I really gonna buy it. Oh!!! This is heaven.

Wait!!! BED????

* End of Hany's POV

After realizing that she's really on the bed and not on the sofa, she quickly move her body. Unfortunately, she's kind of stuck in a hug. Yes a freaking hug!!!

Vinz is still hugging her from behind. She tilt her head to face the sleeping lad only to find him wide smiling with closed eyes.

"What did you do to me!!!?" she's now panicking thinking something happened from last nigth.

"Hey! I didn't do bad things. In fact you like it! Rigth?" he said said it in calm voice and match it with a sly smile that shows off his dimples.

"What do you exactly did?" she's still afraid that Vinz may do nasty things while she's sleeping.

"Nothing! I just carry you from that hard sofa and tuck in bed. I'm afraid you'll got stiff neck in the morning."

"Then, why you're freaking hugging me?"

"Oh! I don't think that thing needs an apology, because from what I've heard that came from your own tounge. You said it feels like HEAVEN."

"What? No! I didn't said that."

"Oh! Come on it's early in the morning and your lying already."

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