Chapter VIII- Temptation

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The door flew open and a quiet good looking man enter the threshold.

"Joross!!! My savior!" Hany squeal out of excitement seeing the lad really came for her rescue.

"Hey!! Ofcourse!!!" Joross exclaim while taking quick stride with open arms going to Hany ready for a hug.

Vinz is just on his feet watching the scene unfold infront of his eyes. Seeing the guy hug her and carry her to twirl like she's still a little one his knuckles were already white. Jealousy is really a bliss.

With closed fist Vinz cleared his throat to remind the two of his presense.

"Oh!! Who's he?" Ask Joross to Hany as he put her back on the bed.

"That's Vinz. My partner for the wedding .'' Hany shortly explain without any intention of intruducing the lad to her freind.

But Joross cross the room and went to Vinz  for a formal handshake.

" I'm Joross  bro.." Joross said lending his hand for a shake.
Joross waited a minute before Vinz take it. As they shake their hands Vinz hold Joross hand firmly tight as if giving the guy a warning and he also give an intense look on the lad.
And they look both stoic that's when Hany interupted them.

"Joross ! Let's go!" Hany called her freind,  breaking the trance that the two lad is sharing.

They got out of the room without biding goodbye to Vinz which is now the reason why Vinz is extremely irritated.

Vinz went out the room and head to the bar for a drink.

"Hennesy Black " he stated to the bar tender infront of him.
The bartender immediately give him his drink. He stay there sitting on the stool just chugging the bitter substance from the bottle. He never waste his time pouring on the small glass, it's better this way he thougth.

As the alcohol kick in his system he finally feel relax. He stood up from the stool he's sitting and head to the dancing crowd looking for someone that can catch his eyes.
Every woman were glancing his way that makes guys turn their heads too looking for the attention getter.

One blonde woman make her way going to Vinz. The woman put her left hand on his broad shoulder and with no hesitation let it roam and glide touching Vinz chest. The blonde woman then, touches his face, jaw,  reach for his lips and try kissing him. But before the woman touches Vinz lips Vinz is being pulled away by Ezekiel.

"What do you think you're doing Vinz?"  Ezekiel harshly ask when they got to the side of the bar.

"Nothing..." he replied non chalantly.
"Seriously, you look wasted. What happened?" Zek ask thouthfuly.

"Nothing happens... I just want to find what's missing Zek...I want someone who will care for me too..wrap her arms around me and laugh and giggle while talking with me, jump and squeal in excitement as she waits for me..." he replied to Zek and he knew he's wasted.

''Hmmm..I don't think bar is the rigth place to find a decent woman Vinz. Not that I'm judging the women that goes to bar but you knew what I mean." Zek replied and patted Vinz shoulder.

"I like her, Zek.'' Vinz out of a sudden said.

''Hany?" Ask Zek confirming who's Vinz talking about.

Vinz didn't utter a word just nod his head with closed eyes. Zek on the other hand is taking a vedio of his wasted freind and their conversation.

"Black Hennesy sure did a very nice job tonight." Zek said chuckling infront of his freind.

As he help Vinz in his walking pattern Allan and Garry appear and both the two carry their wasted freind inside Zek's  room. They lay Vinz on the long sofa and let the lad visit the dreamland. But, not after thirty minutes Vinz stirred in his laying position and sit to search for someone. He then automatically stand  to go out of the room but Garry caught his  wrist and let him sit on the sofa.

"Where are you going Mr. Wasted huh?" Garry ask with expectant look on Vinz.

"I need to go get Hany...maybe she's still with that Joross guy." Vinz answered with a wary look plastered on his face.

"You should drink this first Vinz..this will help with the nausea that you're feeling." Liza suggested handing the cup of something he doesn't know but he still take it.

"Thanks." He said and chug the substance then stand and bid goodbye to his freinds.

Vinz went back first to their room to check if she's back already and seeing the lady of his dream laying comfortable on the bed he smile and went to the bed without taking a bath or even changing clothes.

"I'm glad your back baby, sorry you need to take me in this state I can't take a bath now..tommorow I promise." After saying this Vinz lay down next to Hany.

He contuinue moving on the bed that causes Hany to stir from her slumber but didn't open her eyes. She's now aware that Vinz is here. He move again and finally get up. Vinz get rid of his pants and shirt to ease the heat that he's still suffering and hard to find the comfort that he's looking. He then tuck under the blanket and yawn while draping his arms on Hany's body.

Hany's POV

Feeling him under the same blanket and his arms hugging me while there's someting hard poking on my butt is really not giving me the sleep I needed. What the heck is that hard thing? Is it his general? Oh God! All  Saints whoever is hearing my prayer please let me get over this situation. Keep me safe from this temptation lord.

Feeling him again scoot and let the hard thing poke on my butt then straighten up to my back tigh I can't stay in this position.  I need to face him.

Looking at his touseled hair she smile. He's really magnificent she thought to herself. He has a perfect pointed nose that everyone will envy, those long eye lashes, his thick brows that he cocks sometimes and raises while he winks..he's wasted so what ever happen tonight will be blur to his memory. One touch can't hurt me. I will just touch his face and his pinkish lips no more no less.

End of Hany's POV

When Hany touches Vinz face he feel the warm sentation from the tip of her fingers that travels through every vein in his body. Then, he feel her touches his lips and suddenly her lips brush to his. The sensation is enough for him to sober. He open his eyes to only see her plastered face.


Hello there guys!!!👋👋👋 I think both Hany and Vinz is now on something...hmmm..😉

What do you think will happen next? Will Vinz kiss her back or Hany will turn into peachy mood again..hmm that woman!

Oh! Sorry for that specific part where Vinz is talking with Zek at the bar... believe me guys I'm also rolling my eyes on that part😆...but I decided to keep it that way since he's in a wasted you know we all do stupid things when were wasted.

I recall myself crying and singing but I still pretend that I'm freaking fine when my first love tore my precious heart😂😂😂..then my cousins were all there to rescue me and save the little dignity left in me😂😂..  those days are seriously the most funny moments of my life..I was crying but when I recall them I'm laughing with myself.

Feel free to comment guys I don't care if you vote for this or not 😊 it's all up to you.

                                    Just me...
                    ❤❤❤ basyang❤❤❤

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