2 Brothers; 1 Choice by Im_lovin_my4 (Reviewed by: Praeciarus)

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Title: 2 Brothers; 1 Choice [Watty Awards 2012]

Author: Im_lovin_my4

Genre: Romance / Watty Awards 2012

Summary: Madeline Clark was just a normal teenager living in the boring town of Oswego, Illinois. Until her mom moved to the Outer Banks of North Carolina. The only good part? Beach, warm air, and her friends she makes, Michael and Jacob. Now, stranded on an island, she has nowhere to hide when somebody in her family is murdered. How will she survive when the killer is the person she's known all her life? And to make matters worse what happens when she falls for both Michael and Jacob; and she has to choose between them? Will she pick the right one? Will her soulmate be the person she wants it to be? Only fate and time can decide now.


Just by reading the summary, I was pulled in. I like how you promised mystery, suspense, romance, and a book full of twists and turns that will keep me reading. The summary was well done; I wouldn't start is out as the "X was a normal girl", though.

On to the book itself, I honestly liked it. You're still in the early stages, so you're building up to the big thing that starts it all off. Your grammar is good, but you don't indent when someone new starts talking and sometimes that gets confusing.

On the plot: it's really original. I've never read anything quite like it. You've got a good start to turn this book into something amazing.

On the characters: I think they need a bit more development, which I'm eager to see as the plot progresses. They relationship between Jake and Madeline moves quickly, though that may just be because they already have a history (that's another thing - you've made me curious as to what exactly those little hints in the book about their past mean). They're likable characters, just remember to give your main character flaws as well as good points.

The pace is a bit fast, but just add more detail here and there and that's fixed. You need to mix up your sentence patterns a bit. Your sentences start with "I" a lot. Mixing it up would lend more fluidity to the story.

All in all, it was a good story. I'm eager to learn the back story of the events in the book (Why did they move? What happened to her dad? Who is the killer?) and that's one of the best things you can do as a writer. Keep writing and good luck in the Watty Awards!


Paula's Note-

>This review was done by @Praeciarus

>Don't forget to vote/comment!

>You can still get an interview! If you want one, PM @totallyinsane :)

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