Warmless by Sun_in_your_smile [Review by: Sakuramiracles]

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Title: Warmless

Author: Sum_in_your_smile

Genre: Fantasy; Adventure

Rating: PG-13

Summary: Revenge is a red thread tying two souls. While Love breaks you and Pain crushes the remaining bits, it’s Revenge keeping them all together. The Realm is an invisible world, wrapped around Terra without touching it, so close, and yet so far... But infinitely different. Five Empires dig their ways from countless fights, each and every Throne raising from its pile of dead. Treachery is everywhere in the Realm: discussed in a hidden room, plotted under silk sheets, or thought on a Throne. Every Terran story originates from here, every dreamlike creature and forgotten nightmare. The Realm is a torn world, bloody and twisted. But there’s more than meets the eyes. An Emperor learns one can use Revenge to either pull himself back to the surface... or drag someone to their hell as well. After bending the knee once, it becomes easier for a former Queen to do it again, but equally painful. A little orphan is scouted as a Bird for a royal Whisperer and struggles to fight her way back to her brother. Hope is no more than a joke to a priest who has seen Empires rise and fall and knows the way of gods. The burden of finding his father’s killer is pressing on a boy’s shoulders, while a lord’s daughter learns that her own life is at stake when it comes to playing with a pirate. Justice and Vengeance. So Alike Yet so different.


The Review:

Sometimes,  from a reviewers point of view, it can actually be sort of annoying when a story you’ve been asked to do is actually good; it leaves much less room for words of improvement. With Warmless by the user Sun_in_your_smile, it’s a case of that again. While the writer shows evidence of a good vocabulary, it isn’t overwhelmingly filled with complex words which, I believe, to be a good thing. I don’t feel the need to reach for a dictionary while reading this nor do I feel lectured by the writer. If there’s one thing I can’t stand, it’s writers who think just because they have a good vocabulary they are automatically good writers. In fact, overly complicated stories often have a patronising effect on the readers and bore them into putting the book down.

However, Warmless finds a good balance of differencing word-usage, neither coming across dumb or patronising. The story opens with an eerily cold atmosphere and the author’s usage of description is simplistic yet vivid, leaving the reader with a nice image of the snowy world of which the story begins. The descriptive isn’t too in-depth, you wouldn’t be painting pictures by just reading the words, however it gets the image across and doesn’t bore you to death either. I’d say the author puts more effort into narrative than description, which is fine; the narrative is fantastic enough to shine on its own.

I’ve never been great at grammar myself but this seems flawless, there’s enough varying ways in the way the sentences are conjoined to keep it nicely fluent. I’ll be honest though, the one thing I dislike about this is, after reading the first chapter, I don’t really know what the story is about yet. I loved the blurb, but I think there should be some sort of link to that in the first chapter. It seems like this is going to be one of those stories where the world is immersed in its own fantasy and mythology, so there needs to be a bigger build up, I wasn’t really sure about anything after the first chapter.

Sure, it can be tedious to introduce your characters and world as a lengthy prologue, but, as a writer, it should be your job to figure out a way to make this process interesting. This story starts getting straight into the plot right away, and there’s no introduction to the world its set in or anything. Things are happening, but I have no idea why or why I should care.

Don’t get me wrong, I did think this was a great read, it’s nice to find something uncliched on Wattpad, but the first chapter is far too vague, and let’s face it; the first chapter is the one that really matters. I could tell this was going to be an epic story, I could tell the writer is a good one, it’s just the unexplained events in the chapter leave me uninterested to read on.

I hope the author doesn’t take offence at this, it’s just too vague to interest me, however it is a great read so I’m sure someone else will love it.


*Sakuramiracles's Rating: 8/10*

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