The Dream World Part 2

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As soon as they got Jace to the infirmary and collected all the others, an explanation was demanded. When Robert asked Clarissa flinched at his tone of voice, strong and demanding. Upon seeing this there was a great amount of confusion, thinking that she was very strong and powerful. "I know that you think I am evil, but I must inform you that is not so." She said. Between the form of speech in which she spoke made them all very shocked and confused. She decided to feed them incorrect information to tell the Clave, about them.


With a deep breath, Clarissa started talking. "While we were with Sebastian he put a rune on us so that as long as he is within the same country as him we are under his control. Today he went to a meeting that was so urgent that he forgot to put the long distance rune on us." She explained shakily. "Why didn't he just put a long distance rune on you before?" Isabelle asked, "Well, it only works for 10 hours whereas the other rune is mostly permanent." Clarissa answered solemnly.

"I guess that makes sense, but why are you here there many places you could have gone, you came here why?" Alec asked staring at Clarissa with confusion. "Well, I figured that you would want to see Johnathon. Also because I figured it was the safest place to go since Jonathon used to live here. He kept talking and talking about it, how wonderful it was, how awful Isabelle's food is and how you have a wonderful training room." She answered. Isabelle was slightly hurt that Jace told someone how bad her cooking was.

"Who?" Mayrse asked "Johnathon." She answered plainly when they still didn't understand "Jace" Clarissa clarified with an annoyed expression. "Wait, that was Jace who was unconscious?" Isabelle asked shocked. By this point, Clarissa was mentally banging her head on the table at their stupidity. "Yes, that was him. Who else would it be? Sebastian, obviously not. I know he wasn't in top condition, but you know, you should recognize him. How long did he live with you? Since he was 10? But, no matter. you should recognize him, he has done many stupid things in his life that got him hurt? Hundreds? Thousands?" She answered sarcastically.

"Well, yes he has done a lot of things to get himself hurt, but it's never been this bad before." Alec said, "So, now that we're done with your obliviousness, we can continue talking." Clarissa continued ignoring Alec. Just then they heard a groan from Jace as he tried to sit up. "Where am I?" Jace asked even though he knew perfectly well where he was.

Just as one of them was about to answer Jace woke up from his dream. The weird thing was that he remembered the whole dream. Once he found Clarissa, he told her about his dream which piqued her interest. Just as he finished explaining the whole thing, she finally answered. "Let me guess, you want us to do that in real life?" She looked at Jace who had the face of an excited puppy. "Fine, I guess we could do it tomorrow." She relented.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Sorry about the abrupt stop to the dream I wanted to publish this because I haven't updated for so long. Don't forget to comment and vote!


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