Chapter 21

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***May's POV

"Jason!" I yell.

Jason is staring into the busy streets, as if he's searching for something.

"Hello! Don't ignore me!" I place my hands on my hips, and wait for an answer.

He doesn't react at all.

This is ridiculous.

"How can you be so cruel? She was confessing her feelings for you and you just walked away! Stop running away from your problems and confront them!"

I run up to him, and my fists begin to make contact with his chest.

He doesn't react to it.

My arms become slower and slower until I'm holding on his shoulders.

"Jason. Why did you do this?"

Silence follow.

Until suddenly, he sniffles.

I look up into his eyes, and tears are falling down the side.

This takes me by surprise.

Why is he crying?

"I've had feelings for her for a very long time. All I wanted to do is make her happy, and protect her. Not that she needs much protecting. But I hurt her. She was depressed for almost two years. Because of me. I don't want to do that to her again. She deserves to be happy. And I can't give her that. I can't protect her either. I can barely protect you and Serena. She's better off without me."

Jason lowers himself and sits on the floor. I sit next to him.

"Jason. She wants you. Not anyone else. If you want her to be happy, you have to be with her. Let go of the past! You can't keep living in it. Use history what it's meant for: to learn from your mistakes so you don't repeat them! Live in the present." I stare at him. He stares blankly ahead.

"There's something else too," he says as he shuffles awkwardly.

"I, uh, may or may not have a thing for someone else," Jason admits.

Oh great. Just to make this even better.

"Who is it? It's Serena isn't it?" I say, putting my hands on my hips.

Jason doesn't say anything.

"It's that obvious, huh?"

I sigh.

Love triangles are great in movies. Not so much in real life.

Jason stands up. His tears have stopped falling from his face but his eyes are red.

"We need to go."

"What? No! You are going to go back in there, and tell Sarah exactly what you feel!" I stomp my foot.

Suddenly, a long purple slender body appears in front of us, hissing. Jason tackles me out of the way, as the the body comes crashing down where I was.


Jason unleashes Pichu and I unleash Venusaur.

"We don't have time for this," Jason mutters, as he winces and grabs his shoulder.

"Why?" I ask, as Venusaur roars and uses Razor Leaf to fend off the Arbok.

"The more time we spend here, the chance of missing Ash at Viridian's Gym increases," Jason says.

The Arbok shrieks in pain.



***Serena's POV, a few moments back

"Sarah! Please, try to calm down!" I say as I hug her.

She's on her knees, holding her face with her hands. She's sobbing.

"W-w-why, would he do that?" Sarah says between sobs.

"I don't know," I say, as I try calm her down by rubbing her back gently.

"Here. How about we tell each other stories and try to forget about this? Because I think before we can react or do anything about Jason, we need time to think."

Sarah slowly nods.

"So how about you tell me about your other companion, Drew? You haven't mentioned much about him," I ask.

Maximum mentioned that name before, and so did Jason.

Sarah takes deep breaths, and slowly starts to calm down back to her normal self.

"Well, Drew was the smartest one out of the three of us. He always knew how to properly groom a Pokemon and what food to feed it. The three of us grew up together, so we all wanted to travel together. As we traveled, we each discovered a goal we wanted to accomplish. While mine came quick and was very specific, Jason's was very broad, and Drew's was different since it wasn't battle orientated. He just wanted to complete the Pokedex, and become a Pokemon breeder. And he focused on achieving that everywhere we went. But after the cave incident, he just took off, and we never heard from him again," Sarah says, as she looks at me.

Her eyes widen, and she tackles me down, screaming "watch out!"

Glass shatters and shards fly everywhere. People scream and silverwear falls to the ground.

What in the world is going on?

"Look outside!"

There's an Arbok trying to use Wrap on a Venasaur. Venasaur is roaring and using Vine Whip in an attempt to stop him.

"Why are they battling?" I ask.

Another roar shakes the whole building. I turn and see a Rhydon hitting the ground. A Pichu lands on top of it, delivering a Iron Tail on her stomach.

"Serena! We have to go!" May yells, as her Venasaur throws the Arbok to the ground. May grabs a Pokeball and unleashes her Pidgeot.

"Alright! Let's go Sarah!" I yell, grabbing her hand, and leading her out the door.

"But, Jason said-"

"You can't just give up. If you really want something, you have to keep on going. I'm not giving up until I get Braixen back and find Ash," I say as I let go of her hand, and hop on Pidgeot's back. Sarah stares at me, then smiles.

She pulls out a Pokeball and unleashes a light blue pokemon with a long body and a blue orb on her forehead. The Pokemon purrs as Sarah climbs on her back.

"Follow me!" Jason yells as Charizard carries him into the air. We quickly follow, leaving the two attackers and the scene the way it is.


Once we're up in the sky, and our adrenaline dies down, Sarah and I look for answers.

"What happened?" I ask.

"We were attacked by that Arbok and Rhydon. We defended ourselves but I didn't see their trainers anywhere," May says.

"I managed to see someone run off, but I didn't take a good look at them," Jason adds.

"Speaking of running off, where are we going?" I ask.

Jason runs this fingers through his hair.

"Viridian City's Gym," Jason says, crossing his arms. He looks over to Sarah, but she quickly looks away. Jason then looks at me.

"Don't worry, I haven't forgotten my promise," Jason says with a smile, as he turns back.

I begin to blush.

May looks at me, grins a little bit, but then quickly looks away. I look over and I see Sarah looking at me, sadness spilling out of her eyes.

Oh no.

What if there's another factor on why Jason did what he did?

What if that factor is me?

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