Chapter 7: Hope

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Beth's POV:

I continue to learn more about Daryl as we drive. I never knew how rough his life had been before. At a break in our conversation I get up and climb into the back to stretch my legs when Daryl says,

" Go through some of the stuff back there and see what's left, we haven't really looked through anything back there yet. There could be supplies."

I say okay and start rummaging through things in the drawers and cupboards. The first drawer I open I see a photo. A family photo. I looked at the happy family smiling up at me and feel tears coming to my eyes. I missed Maggie and Daddy so much.... because of the Governor, Daddy's dead and well, I have no ideas where Maggie is. I tuck the photo into the front pocket of the backpack and continue my search. I find a can opener and several can goods that I put in the backpack as well.

I climb back up front and sit down. I pull out the photo again and really look at it. There's a mom, a dad and two kids. One boy and one girl. I show it to Daryl and flip it over to read the back out loud. It said,

" The "A" family. Aurora, Alexander, Alison, and Austin Adams."

Below Alison and Austin's names were age numbers,

" Alison had been 10 and Austin had been 16." I stated

I place the photo back in the back pack one again as we were about to cross some railroad tracks. I glance out my window and see Sasha, Bob, and Maggie walking down the tracks. I tell Daryl,

" Wait, Look!"

He sees that its Maggie and slams on the breaks. I jump out of the camper and race to my sister when she sees me coming she starts running too and it seemed like one of those moments you only see in movies. She hugs me so tightly that I can barely breathe. When we let go I ask,

" Where's Glen?"

Her smile fades and I can tell she trying to hold back tears when she whispers,

" I don't know....."

I look over to see Daryl, finishing up, saying hi to Bob and Sasha when Maggie starts explaining to me and Daryl that they were headed towards a safe place they had seen a sign about.

I glance over at Daryl to see a look of uncertainty written on his face...

Daryl's POV:

Safe? Yeah, right. It's probably a camp full of walkers feasting on the dead, and if its not, its gonna be soon enough. I mean look at the prison or heck, even Woodberry. Nothing stays safe in the world we live in now.

Beth looks over at me and I force a smile. I don't want to get her hopes up but I also don't want to take hope away from her entirely. I look down then ask Sasha quietly,

" What makes you guys so sure its safe?"

She just states,

" We're not sure, but if-"

Her voice trails off as Maggie finishes for her while putting her hand on Bob's shoulder,

" Then Glen, and Tyriese, and Rick and Carl and well everyone could be there."

Not everyone I thought to myself. I see by Beth's face that she's thinking of Judith too. I want to go to her and hug her before she starts crying but suddenly she smiles a bright smile and says,

" I'll go get our stuff together."

I nod and answer

" Me too"

We walk over to the camper while exchanging glances. I'm grateful for Maggie being back in her life, because now I won't have to be her shoulder to cry on or the one who puts her back together after a breakdown. But at the same time, I cant help but feel like a piece of me will be missing. The only true reason I hadn't shut down completely was because I had to take care of Beth. She was keeping me alive whether she knew it or not.

I remember Hershel making me promise that if he died, from the sickness going around at the prison, that I had to take care of Beth and Maggie. ( Funny thing is that he didn't even die from the sickness he got murdered by the Governor) Never the less, I promised. And Dixon's don't break their promises.

I come back from my thoughts when Sasha, Maggie, and Bob walk over and say that it would probably be best if we stayed the night in the camper and started walking tomorrow. I just nod.

*About 10 pm still Daryl's POV:

I'm keeping watch for the night while the other four sleep. My mind wonders as I cant help but think of Dale and how he would keep watch just like this, atop his camper.

I'm deep in thought when I hear someone come up from behind me, I turn and see its Beth. I sigh, as she sits next to me and say,

" You should be resting, we have long day tomorrow walking along the tracks."

She just mumbles,

" I can't sleep..."

After she says that we sit in silence for a long time, staring out into the night.

" Daryl, do think it will be safe there?"

She asks quietly. I look at her and say,

" It could be safe, just don't get your hopes up, alright?"

She nods then adds,

" It will be okay cause I know you'll take care of me, Daryl"

I reassure her by saying,

" I promise I will. You and your sister are my top priorities now."

I wait for her to say something but she doesn't because she's sound asleep leaning up against my shoulder.

I smile down at her and try to figure out how to get just a fraction of how much hope she has. Then I remind myself that hope only let's you down and kills you in the long run. So never mind Beth you can keep your hope.

"But please, don't let it kill you...." I whisper into the night.

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