Chapter 18: Waiting for Death

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Beth's POV:

   We stop to set up camp for the night when Morales says,

   " We're are about halfway there, we should arrive by dark tomorrow."

   Daryl mutters under his breath,

   " We better, I'm getting tired of her already" He then grabs his crossbow that is leaned against a tree outside the clearing we're in and takes off towards the woods saying,

   " I'm going to get us something to eat."

   Great. He left me with some guy I don't even know, during a freking  zombie apocalypse, just to go get me some disgusting squirrel. My Hero. its a little bit award between Morales and I when Daryl leaves and the both of us are at a loss for words, until I bring up Eliza.

   " Eliza seems like a smart girl, tough too. if I were to have seen what she had I would've shut down.I don't know how she's able to handle it so well."

   He pauses then responds,

   " She is, but don't let her fool you, she loved her brother very much."

   I think about what he's just said. He said that she loved him, doesn't she still? I look at the ground and then say to him,

   " You said loved."

   He looks puzzled.

   " Yes, she loved her brother, what's your point?"

   I explained,

  " Well, I've lost my mom, dad, stepbrother, past boyfriends, and lots of other people I cared about, but I still love can love someone even though they're gone."

   Morales looks at the ground and considers this.

   " I suppose you're right."

  He smiles a small smile then continues,

   " and I'm sure Eliza still loves her brother"

  We sit in silence for a moment when we hear a twig snap from behind.Morales turns his head to face me and he whispers,

   " Did you hear that?"

   I nod my head and stand up.

   " Daryl?"

   No answer. I grab my knife then and start towards where the noise came from. I look through the trees surrounding the clearing and see nothing. I turn around to face Morales and shrug my shoulders at him to tell him that I don't know what it was, when he shouts,

   " Beth!"

   As soon as he yells I'm grabbed from behind. My reflexes, from being on the road with Daryl, have gotten ten times stronger. So when I raise my knife above and behind my head and stab the walker within the second of it touching me it doesn't come as a surprise. To me that is, because now Morales is looking at me like I'm the biggest bad ass ever. Which if I do say so myself, I am becoming one.

   When I go to sit back down I see about five more walkers come out of the trees on my opposite side. Three had been guys before they had turned and the others had been girls. I rush over to them and kill one of the guys right as its about to grab Morales's wrist. He throws his hands up in the air to show me that he has no weapons. Damn it, Daryl! i think to myself, You took his knives and so now I'm gonna have to give him my spare.

   I toss my other knife to Morales and he starts to kill the other two guys with some difficulty but manages. Meanwhile the two bitches now have me cornered... ( Wow, I'm starting to sound like Daryl) I stab one and then use her to hold the other one down. Once their both on the ground I climb on top and finish the job, killing the one underneath the first.

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