Chapter 8: " I like you"

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Beth's POV:

I blink my eyes open to see that I'm still leaning against Daryl on top of the camper. I sit up up and stretch when Daryl says,

" Morning, sleepy head"

I give him a funny look and ask,

" Who are you? And what did you do with Daryl?"

He chuckles and answers,

" What? Am I not allowed to say " Good morning?" "

I smile, and wonder why Daryl's in such a good mood, when Maggie suddenly runs out of the camper looking frightened, she yells,

" Beth! Be-!"

I cut her off before she can yell my name a second time and say,

" Maggie, shhhhh...... I'm up here"

" Did you sleep up there last night?"

She inquired.

I nod and ask her if Sasha and Bob are awake, but before she can answer Sasha steps out of the camper saying,

" We are now....."

Bob comes out right behind her and adds,

" And every walker within 10 miles of here are probably on their way"

Maggie's face turns a shade of pink and she answers defensively,

" Sorry, its just, I thought that Beth-"

I interrupt her for the second time today with,

" I'm fine. We just need to start walking."

Daryl agrees and says,

" Beth's right, we needed to be walking already but I wanted her to be able to sleep in for once."

I can't hide how giddy I am feeling. Since when was Daryl so considerate? I guess Maggie notices because she smiles at me and says sarcastically,

" Well, aren't you special?"

It takes about ten minutes to get our stuff together and to start walking.

About noon still Beth's POV:

It's incredible outside, I think as I stop walking for a second. I close my eyes and turn my face to the sun to soak it all in. I still have my eyes closed when I hear Daryl ask if I'm alright. I answer,

" Yeah, I'm just enjoying the weather."

I then open my eyes and start walking again when I hear Sasha talking about being a firefighter before. I can't help but think about how Zach, my kinda sorta boyfriend at the prison, ( who got eaten by zombies on a run) used to try and guess what Daryl did before. He never did guess right. I skip up to where Daryl was leading the way, and ask him,

" So Daryl, what did you do before the world turned to shit?"

He just says,

" You better watch your mouth girly. I don't think your father would appreciate you saying those kids words."

" Daryl....." I said kind of whiny.

" What?"

" Answer my question"

As soon as the words come out of my mouth, I trip and fall over a railroad tie.

He squats down real quick and asks as I to stand up,

" Beth, are you okay?"

" Yeah I'm fine."

At this point Maggie, Sasha, and Bob, ( who were trailing behind Daryl and I ) realize what had happened. They rush over and Maggie helps me stand up.

My ankle hurts really bad but I don't want to slow down the group. I take a step forward and wince at the pain. Daryl asks once again,

" Beth, are you sure you're okay?"

I knew I wasn't but I just nod and take another step. After I get about 5ft. away I turn around to see that they're standing there, staring at me so I questioned,

" Are you coming or not?"

Daryl shakes his head, with a sigh and they all start walking after me.

Around 3pm still Beth's POV:

Daryl is walking in front of me now when I announce that I need a break. Daryl turns around and looks at me, then at the ground, then back up at me and says,

" I'll carry you."

I say okay and manage to hop on his back . I knew Daryl was strong but never had I thought that he would be able to carry me, a 19 year old girl, for several hours at a time. But he did, he carried me from mid-afternoon till night fall.

We stop once the sun goes down and head towards the woods on the left side of the tracks to set up camp for the night. I tell everyone that I'll keep watch since I got the most sleep the night before, and the fact that I got carried part of the way. Daryl argues and says that he'll stay up with me, but I eventually get him to agree to sleeping half the night then keeping watch with me the other half. I swear after 30 seconds of him closing his eyes, I hear him softly snoring. He needed to sleep. When it had been just me and him, he would always keep watch.

Throughout my half of watch on my own, all I can think about is Daryl. The people at the prison were so wrong about Daryl, he isn't an ass. He is sweet, and loyal. Considerate, and caring. This whole time I had been expecting him to just walk out on me. Now, I know that Daryl will never do that. He cares too much about me but then again I care about him so much too.

My mind Is running a thousand miles a minute when I realize that Daryl's sitting next to me.

" Daryl?" I whisper looking at my hands.

" Huh?" he answers

" I like you......"

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