Chapter 15: Sophia deserves to be remembered

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Beth's POV:

Last night after what happened in the music shop, Daryl wouldn't even look at me. We all sat around the table for dinner and he just stared at his plate the entire time. It kinda hurt to be honest... Everyone else's love lives are Great, except mine, it's not fair. Dixie is over trying to get Daryl and now she has her eyes set on Rick, and Rick is loving the attention, Maggie and Glen are still in that stage of " Oh My God! You're alive and I love you!", even Carl and Alison have a puppy love thing going on. You may think, well what about Carol and Michone? Well, the way I see it Carol should feel like the happiest girl in the world seeing as she got to kiss Daryl and Michone, she just doesn't need anyone.

Today Carl, Alison, and I were assigned watch by Rick.They're on the front entrance and I'm on the back entrance. So far there has been no walkers or people, its been a pretty boring day...most of it I've just been singing to myself and think'n about Daryl. He went on a hunt early this morning and still isn't back. When I told him goodbye this morning he just walked right past me like I wasn't even there. so I said it again louder, thinking he didn't hear me, and he just snapped,

" I heard you the first time..."

I need to talk to him when he gets back. See what's the matter with him, also to tell him, that I don't care what Maggie thinks, I want to be with him.

"BANG!" A gun shot.

" BANG! BANG!" Two more.

I climb down off the building I was sitting on, only thinking who got hurt? I see Rick run past.

" What's going on?" I yell to him.

" I don't know!" He yells back with a shrug as he keeps running toward where the gun shots came from. The front entrance. Oh my God, please let Carl and Alison be okay... I take off after Rick. When we both get to the building that's next to the front entrance, we see that Michone, as well as Austin, are already up top with Carl and Alison. From the house we see Glen and Maggie running towards us. Once we climb up, we see Carol and Dixie standing on the other side of the wall with a man, a woman, and a girl a little younger than Carl. Carol and Dixie explained that they heard gunshots and came running from the Creek, where they were washing clothes to see walkers surrounding Terminus as well as the 3 people.

I look down to find10 dead walkers on the ground. three shot. seven stabbed. Apparently Rick, Carl, Carol, and Glen all knew the family standing at the entrance. They were in their group from before the farm, even before they went to the CDC. Supposedly they left the group because they thought that it would be better for them if they went out on their own. Doing this, caused them to lose their son. The man introduced himself as, Morales but didn't introduce the rest of his family. After that I notice the girl looking around when she asks,

" Where's Sophia?"

Everyone fell silent. Even Austin, Alison, and Dixie knew that Sophia, Carol's daughter, had died and turned.

Suddenly Daryl walks up behind Morales and his family with a big deer, he breaks the silence,

" She died." His voice was cold and hard.

At this the girl nods and starts to cry, as well as Carol. Carl starts to tear up too but quickly pulls himself together before he actually starts crying. Daryl just walks past, all of us staring at him.

Daryl's POV:

Well, Morales survived. Surprisingly. He was smart enough to leave. I've considered leaving a couple of times but then I think about how if I left, then I couldn't make sure that these people survived. The only reason that that used to matter was because of my fear of being the last person alive. But now, its not just my fear of that keeping me with them, it's the ties I have to them. When it was just me and Beth, she would sometimes say,

" You're gonna be the last man standing...."

At that i would just shake my head and answer,

" I hope not."

The thought of Beth reminds me that I was such an A-hole to her this morning. She just said goodbye it wasn't like she was saying she loved me or anything, why'd I have to snap at her? Why couldn't I just say goodbye back or see ya later?

Beth reminds me of what Sophia would be like if she would've had the chance to get older. Bright. Cheerful. Happy. Hopeful. I remember finding that doll that Morales's girl gave Sophia when I was searching for her in the woods. Should I return it to her? That's what Sophia would want, right?

Beth and I were on the road one day when she asked for water and I told her to look in my backpack for some, and she found the doll, I remember telling her who's it was and where it had come from and by the end of it we were both nearly in tears. A ten year-old girl shouldn't have died. it ain't right.

The doll's going back to Morales's daughter, so she can always remember Sophia.

Sophia deserves to be remembered.

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