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A/N: Sorry guys but i'm drawing the story to an end. This just a chapeter to explain what e=woul've happened.

They make it back to Terminus without losing anyone. When they get there and explain how Morales died  Eliza decides that she hates and blames Beth for what happened. Maggie finally comes around to the idea of Beth and Daryl together. Maggie also wouldve been pregnant shortly after Beth and Daryl got back, with a baby boy. Beth and Sarah woul've become good friends. Sarah and Austin would have become boyfriend and girlfriend. The twins and Sarah's mom, Peggy, would've have died during a ambush of walkers. Sargent Walter then wouldve have gottenvery sick with what they believed to be cancer and then died himself. After about 6 months Sasha and Bob would've come walking up to the gate with Tyreese and Judith. Rick and Dixie end up together, and Carl and Alison are as happy as they were. Michone lives and continues to be one of the strongest group members. And eventually after9 years Beth would've had a baby girl at age 28.

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