Chapter 17: Playing games

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Daryl's POV:

   I'm woken up yet again by someone tugging on my arm. Thinking its just Beth back to argue some more, I keep my eyes closed and say,

   " Go away Beth. I was pretty sure I made it clear that I don't want to talk... besides its the middle of the night."

   " One, I'm not Beth. Two, its not the middle of the night. Three, if you thought it was the middle of the night why would you think I'm Beth?"

   I sigh when I realize who had woken me up this time. Carol. I roll over and look at her while picking a shirt off the floor of the bedroom I'm staying in.

   " You didn't answer my question...."

   This was one of the reasons I didn't want to be with Carol. All she ever does is nag at me. I then put on the shirt and walk out of the room, her following me, saying,

    " Daryl, if we're gonna be together-"

   I interrupt her mid sentence,

    " What do you mean be together?"

    " Well I just thought the way you kissed me and all...." she rambles

    " Well, sorry. you thought wrong. The kiss meant nothing.... " I explain.

    " How can you say that?" she asks

    " Just like I did, wearn't you payin' any attention?" I answer sarcastically.

    We both go down the stairs and she stomps past me, rolling her eyes as she goes, into the kitchen. Honestly I kinda felt bad for treating her like that, but she needed to hear it or she just would've gotten hurt even more in the long run. I don't wanna be with Carol. I love Beth.

    Ten minutes after my little dispute with Carol, I was fed,and sent out the door with Rick and Morales. We were just about to walk out of the gate that Alison had just opened when Carl, who was on the roof, dropped like a fly. I look over to inform Rick but he's no longer by my side. Sure enough Rick's already on the top of the building, kneeling next to Carl. I hear him from below,

   " Carl? Carl, are you okay?"

   Carl slowly sits up and starts to stand when he passes out again. That's when Alison, Carl's new little girlfriend, starts crying hysterically asking what's wrong. Rick doesn't answer but picks up Carl and carries him down the fire escape. When they get to the bottom Rick motions me over with his head. When I get close he tells me,

   " I can't go with you to meet the other group, I need to be here to take care of Carl. You'll have to take Beth or Dixie. Your choice."

   " Dixie or Beth?! What kind of options are those?! Why can't I take Glen or Austin? Even Maggie for Gods sake!" I say clearly pissed off. How was I supposed to stay away from Beth when I would have to take a trip with her. There's no way in hell I'm taking Dixie.

   Rick responds calmly,

   " You heard Morales, this place got overrun once, who's to say it won't happen again. I need my strongest ,members here. Dixie and Beth are the only ones we can spare right now. Besides I thought you and Beth got close after getting stuck together...."

    More than you thought, I think to myself. And he was right we had gotten close, but things were different now. We haven't had a civil conversation since her sister threatened me...

   " Daryl? Are you hearing a word I'm saying?" Rick says bringing me back from my thoughts. I just walk past him and towards the house.

Beth's POV:

   I learn that Morales's daughter's name is Eliza while her and I are sitting on the floor of my room unpacking her backpack. She was to become my new roomy. We were almost done when Daryl walks in saying,

   " C'mon, Beth let's go."

   " Go where?" I ask

   " You're coming with ,Morales and I." he responds

   " Why?"

   " Because Carl passed out, and now Rick's not going and so he gave me a choice and I chose you." he says while throwing me a backpack and motioning me to follow him. I feel my heart beat speed up at what he's just said, although it makes me wonder why he chose me. he'd been such an ass lately.

   " You chose me?"

   He turns to look at me and answers,

   " Seeing as my choices were you or Dixie.... yeah, I chose you."

   By this time we're outside and walking down the street.

   " Is Carl okay?"

   " He will be." He replies

   When we get to the gate, Morales is waiting for us. Daryl nods at him signaling that its time to go, and we start walking down the tracks, leading out of Terminus, when I hear from behind,

   " Beth! Beth!"

   I turn around to see Austin coming towards me.

   " I heard you were leaving and I just wanted to say goodbye...." he explains once he gets to me. I nod awkwardly and answer,

   " Well....ummm, bye?"

   That's when he looks me in the eye like he's peering into my soul. He takes a step closer to me. So close that I turn my head so our noses don't touch. And because my head's turned my left ear is facing him, he whispers in my ear,

   " I like, alot." his breath on my neck causes me to shiver. I turn my head to face him and he smiles still staring into my eyes. He looks like he's about to walk away but he catches me off guard by kissing me on the cheek. after he does this, he looks at the ground steps back slowly. Then he looks back at me, says bye one more time, and turns around and walks right back into Terminus. My hand raises to my, still blushing, face and feel where his lips had just been.

    I come back from my shock and see Daryl staring at me with such jealousy that it looks like rage. He's mad that Austin kissed me yet he's the one pushing me away. What is his issue? I miss him sooooo much though. Morales turns around from up ahead and he gives us a funny look like, what are you waiting for? At this I start walking. Daryl doesn't start walking until I'm right up behind him. I look up at his back in front of me and think,

Stop playing games with me Daryl Dixon, or you're gonna lose me. And I know that once that happens you're gonna miss me SO bad.

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