Chapter 13: Now that you've arrived

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Daryl's POV:

   Dixie is so annoying! We've been walking down the tracks for hours and the whole time she hasn't left me alone. She keeps clinging onto my arm and fake laughing. I want to ask her what the hell is so funny, seeing as we're in a damn zombie Apocalypse.

    I push Dixie off for the 50th time today, and glance back at Beth. She looks pissed, glaring at Dixie. And I thought Beth was some innocent little girl who knew nothing of revenge. Man was I wrong. She looked like she wanted to rip Dixie's head off.

   Right Behind Beth is Maggie. Maggie is a whole nother story. She looks insane. Her hair is falling in her face, she's walking funny, and she's been repeating the word, no, since we left Sasha and Bob.

   How am I supposed to take care of three females? All acting different.

I never would have imagined myself in a group like this.... although I never would have imagined myself in a group in general. I've always been someone works better on their own.

    Beth suddenly runs up on the other side of me,

    "Look, there's a sign." she states while pointing up ahead and to the side of the tracks. I nod and then push Dixie off again.

    " Will you get off of me, girl?" I say meanly to her. She looks embarrassed. As she backs off, she mumbles,

    " Geez, all you had to do was ask..."

I'm about to question her, how she didn't get the hint, but instead I just follow Beth to the sign. It reads:


                                                           Sanctuary for all

                                                                  up ahead

                                                            Those who arrive


   " What does it say?" Dixie asks.

   " Can't you read?" I snap at her. By the time Dixie finishes reading the sign, Maggie's behind us. Seconds later Maggie whispers,

   " We're almost there....."

   " We're almost there..." She repeats a little louder.

   " We're almost there!" She says once again shouting. She then gives Beth a giant hug and takes off skipping down the tracks like the crazy person she was becoming.

   Yes, Maggie, we are almost there...

Beth's POV:

   Maggie has officially fallen off the wagon. I really hope Glen is at Terminus so that maybe he can make her normal again. I can't wait to get to Terminus only because then I can forget all about Dixie. She acted like she was my friend the first day she joined us, but since then all she's done is flirt with Daryl. it makes me so mad!

    Maggie crosses my mind again and I look up and see her turn the corner up ahead. I try to catch up to her which is difficult because of my hurt ankle. I pass Daryl and Dixie. As I turn the corner, myself, I see Maggie staring at a giant gate that says,

                                                        Now that you've arrived,

                                                               You will Survive.

                                                         Welcome to Terminus.

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