Finding out and sacrificing

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* This is a scenario I've thought a lot about. What if Iris was pregnant when Barry left? I know this probably wouldn't happen but it would be shocking to the viewers if she was. Also, I will be changing the way Iris lived. 

May 21st, 2017:

(Iris POV)

My stomach aches as I sleep. I don't know what's wrong with me. I've been feeling nauseous for a few days now. Barry wraps his arms around me when he hears me grunt. "You okay?" He asks sleepily. "Yeah, just something I ate?" I whisper sleepily. Now that I think about it, the last time we had sex was last Tuesday. Barry had forgotten a condom, but I had taken birth control the next day. I assumed it would stop anything. Now that I think about it, I'm two days late for my period. Am I pregnant? I get up to go to the bathroom and dig through the drawer. I find the pregnancy test box and take one out. I pee on it and wait for the answer.

I stare at the results; I'm pregnant. I feel tears rise in my eyes. When I die, no, if I die, then an innocent life will die with me. I wipe the silent tears that drip down my face. I can't tell Barry that it would break him if I died, and he knew I was pregnant. If I live, I'll let him know.

(May 22nd, 2017, Iris gets taken by Savitar)

Dad stares at Savitar with fear. "She's accepted her fate; you should too." Barry - Savitar growls. He grabs me and rushes out of the portal. Barry - Savitar deposits me in his lair. I scoot away from him as much as I can. Killer frost stands beside him. Her cold eyes are questioning. Savitar walks towards me, and I stand up. His piercing gaze softens when he looks at me. "I'm sorry you have to die, Iris." He says. Silent tears fall down my face. Killer frost walks towards me. "Wait, somethings not. right." Her cold voice says. "What do you mean?" Growls Barry - Savitar. She stares at me for a few seconds. She stands close to me. "May I?" She asks. I nearly recoil. Savitar growls. "Don't try anything; she's mine to kill." He growls. "I won't." Killer frost says. I nod, consenting. Killer frost touches her ice-cold hands on my stomach. I recoil but stay still. "Savitar, she's pregnant." Killer frost says after a few minutes. My blood freezes.

Savitar's shocked expression shocks me. "She's pregnant?" He asks. His eyes filled with sadness but only for a second. I look at Caitlin; her eyes flash blue, then turn brown, then back to blue. "I can't kill her if she's pregnant," Savitar yells. Caitlin glances in the corner and sees as uprising sight. It was H.R. He had been listening to everything. "You won't have to." Savitar glances at where she's looking. He flashes and comes back before her with H.R. H.R desperately tries to look brave but fails. "Where is your transmogripher?" Savitar growls. H.R reaches a shaky hand into his pocket and takes it out. He hands it Savitar. Savitar shoves it into iris's face and clicks. "What did you do?" I demand. "I took a picture of your face and saved it onto here. When the time is right, I will turn H.R into you.

Savitar has H.R, and I chained up. "I'm so sorry. It's not fair." I sob. I bury my face into H.R's shoulder. "Iris, you'll get to live. You can make a life with Barry and have that wonderful baby." H.R says. I sniff and smile. "Did know before you heard Killer frost say anything?" I sniff. "Yes, I've been around a few pregnant women." H.R smiles. Before I can say anything, Savitar interrupts. "It's time." He growls, and he flashes out with H.R.

(Barry's POV)

Savitar arrives. I use the gun. Savitar absorbs the energy. I stare in horror and race for Iris. Time slows down, and I can see Savitar stab her in slow motion. I can feel my heart break. When I reach her, I hold her. I sob into her shoulder.

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