Stopping the evil

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(Iris POV)

I drop the gun as soon as Savitar falls to the ground. I stumble up to his body. Dad runs in, and so does Cisco. Savitar's sightless eyes stare up. Within seconds he disappears. I rip my gaze away from where Savitar was and where Barry is. He's lying on his side, unconscious. "Barry!" I scream. I grab his hand and hold it. He doesn't look good at all. His face is all bloody, one leg looks badly broken, and his old wounds had reopened. "We need to go now!" Cisco yells. Cisco opens a portal and shoves Barry and me through.

Cisco lays Barry on a metal table and takes off his shirt. The bruises on his chest are horrifying. Cisco touches his neck. "Iris, hand me the defibrillator," Cisco yells. I give them to him. Cisco puts it on Barry's chest. "Clear!" He yells. Dad keys me in his arms. I bury my face on dad's shoulder. "" I sob. After a few minutes, Cisco stops. The heart monitor squeals. "He's..." Cisco can't beat to finish. Finally, the heart monitor detects his heartbeat. My hands shake. I sit near Barry's head while Cisco takes care of him.

When Cisco does all he can do, he takes me out of the room. "I've done all I can do for him now." He says. "What does that mean," I ask. "He has internal bleeding from the broken ribs. I splinted his leg and stitched his face." Cisco says. "He still has a dislocated shoulder, and I don't know how to fix that." Cisco's voice shakes. "And?" I ask. "I think you need to saying your goodbyes."

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