The truth

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This chapter shows how much I love Iris and Cisco's friendship. I wish they had more funny scenes together.

(Iris POV)

Cisco holds me until I somehow manage to stop shaking. He wipes away the tears on my face. "Why did he let you live, Iris?" He asks. I take a deep breath. "I'm pregnant," I tell him. Cisco's eyes widen. "When did you find out? Does Barry know?" He asks. "No, he doesn't. I was going to wait to tell him after we defeated Savitar." I whisper. Cisco's eyes soften. "I can't raise a baby on my own, Cisco," I tell him. He sighs shakily. "You won't." He says determinedly. I feel eyes staring into my head. I turn and see Caitlin staring at us. "Savitar needs you." She tells Cisco. Cisco throws a worried look at me. "Go," I say. He nods, hugs me, then leaves.

(Cisco's POV)

I get done with what Savitar needs me to do. "You said you wouldn't kill me!" I yell. "I lied." He growled. "Kill him," Savitar tells her. Caitlin raises her hands. "Caitlin, I know you don't want to do this." My voice shakes. Caitlin fires the ice. I squeeze my eyes shut and wait for them to hit me. But they don't. I open my eyes. Gypsy is in front of me. She opens a portal. "Come on!" She yells. She forces me into the portal. We land in star labs and in front of Joe.Joe raises his gun before he knows what's going on. "Cisco, thank god!" He breathes. I hug him. "Where's Barry? Is he okay?" I ask. Joe sighs sadly. "He's pretty badly hurt. Savitar shoved his claw through Barry's lower stomach. Julian just finished cleaning up the mess." Joe sighs. I sigh in relief. At least he's alive. "Did you defeat Caitlin? Where were you?" Joe asks. "Savitar captured me and took me to his lair. Gypsy helped me escape." I tell him. Gypsy smiles. "Did you see Iris?" Joe asks desperately. My smile falls. "Yes, she's alive, but she's terrified," I tell him. I leave out the part where she's pregnant, so I don't make him even more desperate.

(Barry's POV)

My consciousness forces me to resurface. The pain I feel is the cause of it. I don't want to resurface; I don't want to live in reality without her. I feel someone touch my hair. It's soothing, but it doesn't stop the pain in my heart. I come too with a huff. "Hey, Barr," Joe says. "Joe." I whimper. The tears start coming. I can't feel anything but the pain in my heart. The wound on my stomach doesn't hurt as bad as my heart. I hold onto Joe tightly. "I never told her I loved her for the last time." I sob as I grip Joe. "Shh, Barr," Joe says. "She's not dead. She's not dead. It was H.R. He took her place." Joe says. I pull myself back, my sobs stopping. "H.R?" I ask. "He used the face changer," Joe says. I wipe my face. "We need to get her back," I say.

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