Fighting to save

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(Joe's POV)

"Where is she?" I yell. H.R's body has cooled. There is no way if saving him. "H.R!" Tracy screams. She runs to his body and holds him. She sobs into his chest. I look at Barry. The wound on his lower abdomen bleeds profusely. Julian touches his neck. "He needs to get back to star labs now!" Julian yells. I pick up Barry and Julian manages to get H.R.

(Cisco's POV)

I lay on the ground staring up at killer frost. Fear courses through my veins, but she doesn't see it. Her hands give out ice clouds. Suddenly Savitar appears next to her. "Let him go; we need him." He growls. "What? Why?" Caitlin asks. "Barry is dead. I killed him." Savitar growls. Killer frost looks at him in shock. My heart drops in my chest. "No," I whisper. Savitar stumbles. He growls. "It's catching up to me. We must start now." He growls. Caitlin nods. Savitar grabs me, and he runs to his lair.

(Iris POV)

I stare silently at the wall. Silent tears drip down my face. He can't be dead. Can he? If Barry is gone, then so is Savitar. I should have died, and I didn't. That means something will happen to Savitar. What will I do without Barry? I can't live without him. I always thought I would die, not the other way around. I need him just as much as he needs me. Suddenly the silence is interrupted. Savitar rushes in, and so does killer frost. Savitar drops Cisco to the ground. "You're going to regret that," Cisco growls. Cisco looks around, and his eyes land on me. "Iris?" He asks. He runs to me. He wraps me in a big hug. I sob in his embrace. He can tell I'm shaking. "What did you do to her?"'Cisco growls. "I only told her the truth." Savitar dismisses. Savitar walks away. "He can't be dead." I sob. "Shh," Cisco says. "He probably isn't. He has to be lying." Cisco's voice shakes.

(Joe's POV)

We get Barry to star labs and lay him down on the operating table. Julian leans Barry's head back and checks his pulse. "Defibrillators!" Julian yells. I do as he says and hands them to him. "Clear!" Julian yells. He puts the paddles on Barry's chest. Barry jumps on the table. Julian feels Barry's neck again. Julian sighs in relief. "We need to take the suit off, and I need to perform surgery," Julian says. We manage to get the suit off of Barry's unconscious body. Once the suit is off, the wound on Barry's stomach is large and still bleeding badly. Julian gets surgical tools and starts performing surgery. "You need to hold him down in case he wakes up," Julian says.

(Barry's POV)I can feel the pain coursing through my body. Someone is touching my wound. I feel a mind-numbing pain in my stomach, and I groan. "Hold still, Barr." I hear a voice. Suddenly everything hits me: Iris's death and Savitar. My eyes flash open. Julian and Joe stand over me. I try to fight Julian off of me. I scream as the agony courses through me. Joe pins my shoulders as I struggle. Exhaustion soon floods over me, and I allow my consciousness to leave me.

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