Struggling to live

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(Iris POV)

I listen to the steady beep of the heart monitor. Barry has an oxygen mask over his face. The internal bleeding is pretty bad in his lungs from where Savitar stepped on him. He looks potful as he lies unconscious. I take his hand in my mine and kiss it. "Hey. Things have been okay for the past few hours. The speedforce doesn't appear to be angry. They let Jay go a little while after you defeated him. The speedforce doesn't seem to want another inhabitant." I say. "Cisco is out searching for Caitlin. He wants to try and save her." I continue. "Please come back. I can't live without you. I can't raise this baby without you." I sob. I sob for the innocent life in me who might grow up without a father. I sob for Barry. "Savitar took so many things away from us. Don't let him take you away from me." I whisper.

A few hours later, Cisco and gypsy come back. To my amazement, Caitlin is with them. Her eyes brown. She looks around and finds me. "Iris, I'm so sorry. I didn't want to try and kill you." Caitlin says. I stand up and hug her. "I'm just glad you didn't," I say. Joe walks into the room and hugs Caitlin. "Glad you're back." He says. Caitlin nods. Caitlin looks back at me. "Do you want me to check and see if you and the baby are okay?" She asks. I look at Barry. I'm about to say no when dad interrupts. "I'll look after him. Go and take care of yourself." He says. I nod and go with Caitlin.

I sit on the gurney when I get to the med bay. Caitlin takes out a few syringes and vials. She also takes out a wand-like device. "Lay back." She motions. I do as she says. She spreads a gel on my stomach and put the wand on it. She then looks at a screen and nods her head. "You're six pregnant. The baby will be here in January." Caitlin says. I nod and smile. Caitlin sticks the syringe in my arm and draws some blood. "What's the blood for?" I ask. "I'll be able to see if the baby will be a metahuman." She says. "A speedster? Like Barry?" I ask. "Yes, like Barry," Caitlin says. I smile. The thought hadn't even occurred to me. Caitlin lifts my shirt and touches my stomach and specific areas. "It looks all good." She says. "Thanks," I say and go back to where Barry is.

After a few more hours, Barry's vitals have started picking up. Finally, after being unconscious for 15 hours, he opens his eyes. They open slowly and look around. "Hey, look who's up," I say. He blinks a little, and his frown turns into a smile.

What if?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora