Problems Make Me Dizzy

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Liza's P.O.V.

While David was talking to his mom I grabbed milk, cereal, eggs and some bacon. After the call with his mom I asked "What'd she say?"

"She said she's ok with it." David calmly said

 "Mmm, ok." I said as I pushed the cart to get some more things to get for David's apartment. While David was searching for his dad's number I searched for toilet paper, water bottles, and some chips.

 I overheard David's conversation with his dad, it was rocky, David's dad was mad and I was quite scared to meet him again. As if one dad wasn't enough to be scared of. While I was still searching for the things, I was imagining what the phone call with my dad would be. I was imagining all the worst case scenarios that my head would think of.

 My father was proud of me finishing college but he would look down on me with my baby. But would he accept me and forgive me for what I've done? This is the worst day of my life! But would it be the best because my father forgave me? These sentences were all circling my head, my legs started to be weak, more butterflies were in my stomach more than before, and my vision started to blur, out of focus. 

 I closed my eyes hoping everything would feel better but instead I fell on the floor, involuntarily. I opened my eyes, looked around and saw David's worried face helping me get up but his broken hand wasn't helping and a bunch of people looking at me with worry. 

Moments later...

 I woke up on a hospital bed? I saw David talking to the doctor and a nurse was coming to my unit "M'am?" the nurse asked

"Yes? Why am I here?" I asked 

"Do you remember anything that could result you to end up in the hospital?"

"Yeah but is there anything wrong with me fainting? Is the baby fine? Are my organs fine?"

"You look really dehydrated but other than that you're fine."

"What are the other reasons that I fainted?" I asked

"Just dehydration."The nurse said as she left. I saw the doctor leave David so I got out of the hospital bed but David went to my "room" [it's sort of a room because there's "walls" and when I mean walls I meant curtains] "Did you drink anything before leaving your apartment?" David asked

"Air milk!" I said with a smile but David responded with a bored look in his face, gesturing that it wasn't the best time for jokes. So I removed the smile and said "I was so nervous to talk to my dad that I fainted?"

"The doctor said dehydration."

"Dehydration and nervousness."

"Fine, I took care of everything I paid the bill already." He said as he got his hand out to hold my hand but I asked "Wait, are you mad at me?"

"No, I can't be mad at you for fainting, no."

"Ok, fine." I said as I held his "unbroken" hand until we went to the parking lot and went inside the car.


That's all, I hope you like part 2 out of 3! Also I haven't shouted out my editor yet so SHOUT OUT TO:


Thank you for giving me other ideas to do!

Love from,Fake_Fan001 8)

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