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After the Las Vegas trip...

Liza's P.O.V.

   I woke up in David's house still having a headache from the trip we had. And having a headache is bad for my little baby. I grew so tired because I realized I had to go to a flight to my hometown. I went to look for David in the house to remind him of the trip. I saw him editing in the living room. "Babe, you have to pack up for the flight that's coming in about 6 hours." I told him 

"Yeah I'm just about to be finish editing the vlog and choosing the winners for the merch thing." (BTW have you entered in that? Because I didn't!) He replied still looking at the computer screen.

  I went back to the bedroom and planted my face onto the comfy pillows. I wanted to sleep but I just can't for I was thinking of what would happened. I hated myself thinking of scenarios that probably won't happen ever in my life. I turned my body around so I could lie flat on his bed thinking of the things I need to do. 

Packed up my bags CHECK

Passport CHECK

Tickets CHECK

    I'm all set and ready to go. I stood up, looked at the mirror and I noticed having a baby bump or is it Chipotle? "BABE! I have a question." I yelled across the room and I heard David storming to go here. "What is it?" He asked and gasped to see that my baby bump is showing "It's Chipotle!" I yelped

"Aw" He lowered down to talk to my dinner " Hi you're gonna be in the toilet soon." I chuckled at his poop joke. "Seriously babe we need to come out about our pregnancy." I said in all seriousness "Yeah, I know I'll come out if you come out." he said.

"Fine I'll do it next week."

"Babe, I'm not rushing you" he stood up " ok." 

"Yeah I know it's just that my fans are like my family.... Could you vlog it." I said hugging him

"Fine." He said with no hesitation "But I'll upload it to my second channel and you will to at the same time."

"Ooh I wanna do mine with anti- climatic end or with a hidden message then I'll actually tell them at-" I said with many ideas flowing in my head but David shushed me and laid his finger on my lip "Stop what ever you are doing and help me pack while we are packing think of a video idea."  I sighed and helped him.

  I had so many ideas flowing through my min and caused to be excited telling my parents what the big news is.

Few hours later...

            David's P.O.V. 

  Liza and I are in Houston, Liza looked excited than I expected. The flight was short about 3 hours or more. But Liza was smiling throughout the flight and I didn't even bother asking her. "Are you ready, babe?" I asked Liza at the front door of her parents' house "Of course!" she said

"Why are you so excited all of a sudden?" I finally asked

"Thinking about the coming out video was lovely and motivated me!"

"Are you sure?"

"Stop being a pessimist, babe."

"Are you just faking it?"

"No, of course not, babe."

"Stop calling me that!" I said with an annoyed tone

"I'm not calling you anything, babe?!"

"Stop calling me babe."

" What? We call each other babe?!" Liza stated but the front door opened so the argument set aside for now. Liza's dad peeked out the door checking who was yelling and arguing outside almost at the middle of the night. "Elizabeth! David!" Liza's dad said with much happiness but " Elizabeth? David?" he said with confusion. 

"Why are you here?" Liza's mom asked with no hesitation

"We have something to tell you." Liza and I both said at the same time.

We all sat on the dinner table Liza's parents looked so worried so I relieved them "Don't worry it's good news." Liza nodded her head in agreement. 

Liza's P.O.V.

  "I really want you o be happy about this, mom and dad."  I said as I held David's hand under the table for support. "I'd love to see you support me with this decision.  I wouldn't want you to leave me after what I tell you." I said stalling. I didn't know it would be this hard, there's this thing in my throat that's keeping me from telling them. And all of a sudden I got demotivated.

"What is it? Honey what made you take a flight here?" mom said

"Yes, what is wrong? You look very nervous and it must be big." pop said

"Liza, do you want me to tell them?" David whispered to my ear but I shook my head gently and said it quickly like ripping the band aid off. " I'M PREGNANT!" I said across the living room. My parents were all in shock



Hey guys thank you for reading my chapter! Quick question, who is Liza's parents I tried looking but I can't see any info. telling their names. Anyways, hope you like it!

Love from,

Fake_Fan001 >__<


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