I lost it

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It was the next three days...

The couple has not met yet, Liza has been thinking about her pregnancy and she decided that she wouldn't make a video this week. 

Liza's P.O.V.

  It's been three days, I've been lying down in this bed. I should probably go out to Target and look at some baby stuff. 

Few minutes later...

 I looked at the baby tutus they sell, it was adorable and cute. I smiled imagining what my baby would look like in this tutu. I rubbed my bump thinking what it would be like "LIZA!" A voice interrupted me. I looked around like a gazelle that just heard a lion roar. I saw a fan waving across the aisle, jumping with joy. I waved back happily "Can I take a picture?" the cute girl asked

"Yeah, sure. Always." I said making them feel welcome into my addiction place. [A/N huehuehue] The fan posed with me for the picture as her mom was holding. I felt something come out of my down under I was trying to keep it in for my babes but I can't help it. It's so painful that I screamed, fell down and blood came out of my you know what. 

  I screamed so hard, it hurts me emotionally and physically. I had a miscarriage, my baby was gone, she can't wear the tutu. I cried and cried until I blacked out from screaming and crying. The next thing I knew I was in the hospital bed and David crying with his friends. 



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