Three weeks after...

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It was 2 PM in Jason's, Scott's and Toddy's house ...(May 29, 2017)

David's P.O.V.

Liza and I decided we would tell our friends three weeks after and tell our fans as soon she has baby bump. And also we are going to tell her parents next week in Houston. Liza and I gathered all our friends in the vlogs which is Carly, Erin, Zane, Heath, Toddy, Scotty, Kristen, Matt, Gabbie, Nik, Josh, Corinna, Alex and Dom. All of them was wondering what it would be and they were all huddled up at the living room "Okay, ladies and gentlemen- I mean just men" everybody laughed at Liza's joke [Excuse me, I'm not that funny🙃] "David and I have an announcement to make."

"Are you pregnant?!" Zane shouted so Liza and I smiled, looked at each other and nodded. Everybody was laughing and saying that it was fake but Liza brought out her test "Hah, you already did that." Jason pointed out

"No, it's true guys she's pregnant, give her another test and it'll say it's positive." I said

"Oh, really Toddy give her a test." Matt said with a detective tone

"WTF, I don't have a pregnancy test." Toddy said and everyone was laughing

"Oh, I'm sorry I meant Corinna." Matt said

"Sure." Corinna unbelievably said as she gave him a test for Liza to use. Everybody was even shocked that Corinna had a test with her "Baby, we're just kidding but okay." Zane said while everybody laughed. The whole group waited and talked about Liza's pregnancy while Liza's chugging up water to make her pee "What would you call the baby?" Kristen asked me

"I don't know yet but there is still a lot of time." I answered

"I still can't believe Corinna has a test with her." Heath said with a chuckle

"Would that affect your's and Liza's career?" Alex asked

"I don't know but it seems that you're buying it." I said

"Could you just tell us if it's real?" Erin asked

"I DID!" I said with frustration

"Hmm, no baby that's taco bell and yogurt land." Zane said

"I'm not joking around." I said

"Uh, no we're going to have to see the real deal." Heath "ratchetily" said

"Hey, how's the making of the baby?" Dom asked

"Dom, are you stoned?" Josh asked

"He's always stoned." Nik said

"If this is not real, it really shows you don't have any ideas to prank us." Carly pointed out

"Where's Seth?" [ Is Seth the black guy?] Alex asked

"GUYS! Here it is!" Liza said, everybody was eager to see the results and I heard every body gasped and then everybody sat on the sofa some sat on the floor "What?" Alex said

"Oh, my gosh congratulations!" Gabbie happily said

"It is true." Matt said [I know he's not really much in the vlogs but he's my fav. 'cause he helped Heath find BIGRED]

"Let's celebrate!" Heath said

"But you're so young." Jason pointed out

"We'll figure it out." Liza replied to Jason

"When are we going to party?!" Toddy asked

"We won't, she's pregnant." Josh replied to Toddy

"We can still have a baby shower." Erin said

"Where's the food?" Dom asked (he's probably high)



That is all! I decided to end with Dom asking questions when he's high because having a conversation with 5 or more people in a book is quite stressful and hard to control and manage.

Love from,

Fake_Fan001 :P

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