Chapter 10

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The night before, Everyone is all gathered up in Katsuki bathhouse."Cheers!" Everyone was drinking and talking how this year was one of the most surprising year, Victor coming to the bathhouse, him coaching Yuri, and Yuri going to the Grand Prix Final of Tears. Victor was drinking and talking to Yuri's parents, they show Victor some of Yuri's childhood photos. "Awwee, can I keep some?" Victor begged, "Of course, you can keep as many as you like!" Yuri's parents exclaimed. A few moments later, "VVVVVIICTTTTOORRRR!!!" Yuri screams as he stumbles over to Victor. Yuri fallen into Victor arms and had fallen asleep. It was late and everyone helped out clean up but the ones asleep (Yuri and Yurio), "Sorry about Yurio, but I didn't want to wake him up." Said Otabek to Victor. "It's fine same with mine." Victor said, "Well, goodnight everyone." Said Otabek as he gives Yurio a piggyback home. "Goodnight you two!" Screamed to Otabek and Yurio as he stands by the door waving "goodbye". "Goodnight you two, have a good rest!" Yuri's parents said to Victor and Yuri that is asleep in Victor arms.

₍˄·͈༝·͈˄₎◞Thanks for reading₍˄·͈༝·͈˄₎◞

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