Royalty » Merlin x Reader

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Gender: Female
Warnings: None
Setting: Not specific series


The steady rhythm of the horses feet along the cobblestones would have been soothing if it weren't for the twist of dread which had resided in your stomach for the majority of the journey. You were never one for joining your father, one of the Kings across the five kingdoms, to visit his fellow rulers.

Now you had come of a certain age, he decided that you should venture outside the safety of the city walls and visit one his close allies, King Uther. For a long while, you had prostested against the trip, finally buckling after hours of heated discussion which had not left either of you in good spirits, hence the separate carriages for the duration of the trek.

Only your handmaiden, Marian, joined you on the red-velvet comfort of your carriage, as per hour usual request. Despite the place being rather roomier than many were accustomed to, you found it displeasingly small. Always you preferred to ride or to walk to your destination (another good reason for you not to leave the comfort of the city), and so the hours of cramped legs and occasional jolt due to a bump in the road was most unsatisfactory.

When the time came to it however, you found yourself gazing out of the small opening in the box at the high, towering walls which could only be the great Camelot. After years of the same fancy rooms, the same view of the sprawling houses beneath the castle or even your favourite place to spend time, the woods, the Kingdom was a welcome sight.

People milling about the market place moved hastily aside with hurried bows or curtsies when they noticed the small precession of carriages. Hearing the familiar buzz of market life was almost enough to stem the rising dread building inside you but as the horses slowed to a halt, it seized you again, drowning your stomach in a fresh wave of nausea.

Marian slid hurriedly towards the door and hopped out as gracefully as she could manage, preparing to hold open the carriage door for you. Your father, flanked by two guards, appeared before the door. Evidently the long journey had cooled the King's torrent of anger he had unleashed upon you earlier that day—that, or he decided to put on a good appearance for the benefit of King Uther—and he took your hand, helping you to descend the steps.

Your heeled foot touched the pavement outside, leaving you gaping up at the sight before you. The King had assembled his finest guards on the wide staircase that led to the castle, who flanked him and his son, Prince Arthur. A random assembly of servants were dotted amongst the uniformed men, eager to assist the new arrivals.

You were escorted to the foot of these steps, where Uther had reached the bottom and was already embracing your father with obvious delight. You and the Prince offered each other hesitant nods, for the only time you had met was many years ago when a party had arrived from Camelot to your own castle—not helped by the fact that you stayed back, hidden by your father's shadow.

The King released him and took your proffered hand to his lips. "Lady Y/N, good to finally see you again." You gave what you hoped was an appropriate smile and nodded silently.

Before long, you and your party of servants and knights were being ushered up the stairs. Camelot's own servants were hurriedly collecting belongings to be taken to your assigned quarters. Prince Arthur explained to you that he had instructed his own manservant to help you find your way to your chambers.

Gratefully accepting, you followed the dark-haired boy up the stairs where he lugged one of your heftier suitcases by his side. Away from the hustle of the main entrance, you were able to get a better look around the castle interior.

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