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I've been getting these weird feelings and I only get them when they are coming. But no because he told me that he wouldn't come back. And I don't want that. I got this cast on my foot so Bella has to drive me to school. Which I would like to stop that because two boys are keep on asking me if they can drive me to school. I know that their vampires but that don't know that I know. I know because they started to not where contacts. Bella was by her truck. She was waiting for me to come and Tyler's van was coming right at her. And the vamp saved her. I can't had vampires in my family's life. He looked behind him and saw me with shock eyes. " Is she ok " I asked and he does ran off. What the world was that about. Kids were crowding my sister. And they called 911 I does tried to walk home. I listen to You And I by One Direction. I thought about him I does felt a tear go down my cheek. And I thought I saw a shadow like his shadow. And I stared to speed walk and then I took out my ear bud I heard laughing like his and then I saw him " Hello princes you missed me " " Never Jesse " " Aww don't be like that " " You don't tell me what to do since last time " " Well I know you missed me Princes and I told you I'll come back for you " " No you didnt " I said " And you don't know the pain you caused me I though you loved me but then you does left me in the woods I LEFT MY FAMILY FOR YOU how could you do this to me in front of the people who i love " " So I made you what you are today " " Oh really tell that to my old boyfriend and you changed me by giving me powers and I don't like it how did you even stand to be like this I felt so much pain and with what I got I can show you pain so move or you will feel pain " " You know you would never do that to me " " Oh yeah true me and if I dare see you again I will do it and don't brig hunters on me like last time because you know what happened and it will happen again " " Fine but one way or another I will get you " " You can true " " Oh I will because I love you and you belong to me " he said and left and I does fallen to my knees and I felt fire in me. Oh no and the trees caught on fire." I does want it gone is that to much to ask " I said and I felt a cold hand on my shoulder. I flipped that person on there back. It was Jasper" Oh sorry I though you were someone else sorry "

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