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She's gone. I didn't want to think about it, but she wasn't there anymore. I won't see her in the mornings after a night spent in the same room, and she'd never become queen. My beloved Ahmanet was imprisoned somewhere and I, Iris, would never see her again.

It had been three days since she disappeared and I wanted nothing more then to die so I could find her in the after-life. No one had come for me, she had kept her part of our bargain and taken the secret of our love to the grave. But even so...I missed her terribly, and where ever she was, I knew she missed me.

But since there was no one I could go to for comfort, what could I do but mourn my loss?

Then it came to me. I had a brother, a grown and married man, with children that were much more loyal to me then they'd ever be to him. If I wrote down my story and slipped to them secretly, they could pass it down through the generations so my love for my golden cobra would live on.

With this in mind, I pulled out a sheet of papyrus and started to write.


Three days later, when my brother came to visit, I pulled aside his two children; Nefertiti his daughter, and her younger brother Osiris. After explaining the situation, I slipped the scroll into their hands.

"Don't let this out of your sight. Protect my story and make sure it never leaves the family." And as they nodded, I knew my tale would live long after I went the way of the gods.

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