Snapping Back

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I wake up the next morning with a sudden feeling something was seriously wrong, as soon as I sit it clutches my heart and begins to squeeze, that's when I notice it; Ahmanet isn't in the room, and absolute chaos insures outside. I scramble to get dressed before bursting out the front door and stopping in my tracks.

The street's a mess; coated in dirt, sand and broken glass. People are bleeding and broken like no body's business, some even lay still as stone. I don't have to nudge them to know they're dead, but a certain someone isn't.

"Nick?!" The brunette man turns around, eye bulging when he sees me. "Lana!" I scramble across the dirt, not caring about the glass that bit my skin, and leap into his grasp, holding on tight with now bleeding palms.

"Nick, we have to-" I look over his shoulder to see a blond woman about his age with that thinker face archeologists often have, one that hardens further upon seeing.

"Another unfortunate woman you've claimed Nick?" He lets me go and looks at her, eyes cold. "As a matter a fact, this is my sister Lana." Her eyes pop. "Sister? You never told me you had a sister, she doesn't look anything like you." That statement isn't new to me. "I'm adopted." Nick muffles a chuckle under his breath, she glares at me lightly.

"Lana!" I whirl around to see my group some feet away, I excuse myself before running over.

"Jack, thank goodness you're okay. Is everyone else alright?" Some of them look exhausted, leaning on one another's shoulders, Jack's head is wrapped in bloody bandage.

"We're fine, that's beside the point. I was shutting the windows to my room when the wind started to blow when I noticed someone in the streets. Someone who wasn't affected by the sand tornado." "Who?" His breathing's ragged, he pauses before speaking.

"Ahmanet. She's the one in charge of all this, and something tells me if she manages to control England she won't stop there."

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