Young & Beautiful

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When I open my eyes I'm in the same place that once was my most popular dream, but it feels different because this time I know it's real. I'm in my white gown with my hair like silk on my shoulders and my feet barely touching the ground. The whole area's teeming with life and I haven't even stepped out the room yet. As I stand, the first thing I notice is the large glass doors before me, framed in almost transparent white curtains that glisten like the stars beyond. I sit up and walk to them, as soon as I reach out and my fingertips graze the surface they gracefully open and a warm summer breeze blows in and dusts my face. As I step out into the air, floating easily, I can hear Young & Beautiful drifting through the air like the distant smell of fresh pastries.

"I've seen the word...done it all, had my cake now. Diamonds brilliant in Bel Air now. Hot summer nights, mid July, when you and I were forever wild. The crazy days, city lights, the way you played with me like a child.

"Will you still love me when I'm no longer young and beautiful? Will you still love me when I got but my aching soul? I know you will, I know you will, I know that you will. Will you still love me when I'm no longer beautiful?"

I'm not quite sure how long I drift before Ahmanet comes up behind me, I'm not startled, only expecting. She holds me close when I hug her and weep quietly onto her back. When we part, she places a gentle hand on my cheek and smiles.

"I'm glad you came." "Me too. So where to now?" She snaps her fingers and suddenly we're dressed in desert wanderer clothes and atop a dark brown horse each.

"I was thinking maybe an ongoing adventure hunting for buried treasure, a quest to free others imprisoned like I once was." I smile sweetly. "That sounds wonderful. Could we ride together?" She snaps her fingers and the next thing I know we're both on one horse, the other's gone, and I have my arms wrapped around her waist from behind.

"I won't let anyone hurt you, I promise." I smile at her voice and rest my cheek on her upper back as we gallop off together, the last part of the song fading with us into the distance.

"Will you still love me when I'm no longer young and beautiful? Will you still love me when I got nothing but my aching soul? I know you will, I know you will, I know that you will. Will you still love me when I'm no longer beautiful? Will you still love me when I'm no longer beautiful?

"Will you still love me when I'm not young, and beautiful?"

The End.

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