"I'm not her!"

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The first thing I noticed when I woke was the time. The sun was no where close to rising and the city I knew and loved was dark and threatening, but at the same alluring, like it teased me to go out and see what trouble might befall me.

But not being a morning person, this set off warning alarms within me. In my favorite cream nightdress, I slipped out into the hall. It was so still and so dark, my breath stilled in my throat as if plugged with a cork.

"Hello?" I took several cautious steps forward. "Mom? Dad?" A soft creak, so soft it sounded like a whisper, floated up from the stairs. I froze, my legs threatened to give out beneath me. But something curious sparked inside me.

Who would want to break into the house? We don't have anything valuable. With that thought in mind, I hesitated before venturing to the stairs. When I reached the top step, I noticed one of the windows was open. The second thing I noticed was a figure standing in the center of the room, his back turned to me.

Something in the room shifted just then, from dark and deadly to warm and somehow familiar. As I took another step forward, the figure stiffened before whirling around. 

As soon as we saw each other, we both froze. Probably because we had seen each other before.  

Before me was the woman from my dreams, her skin was as pale as death itself, her black hair was long and smooth like a raven's ring and she clutched the same knife in one hand. It was still rather dark in the room so I turned on a light. She ducked to the back of the room with a defensive hiss, wrapping her arms around her to protect herself. 

Carefully, I walked towards her until I was at arms-length away. She hissed, softer this time as I knelt down to look her in the eye. It was then I noticed that she has two pupils in each socket. 

Well I don't remember that from the dream. I thought before brushing it aside. I scooted an inch closer and hesitated before speaking. 

"G-Golden Cobra, isn't it?" She visibly relaxed at the name and manged a small smile. "Desert Ruby." When she reached for me, I shook my head slowly. 

"You're Desert Ruby died a long time ago. I'm not her." "Oh but you are." She quickly cupped my face, gazing deep into my eyes. 

"You look exactly like her. She must have been your flesh and blood." It took me a moment to realize she meant I was related to her previous love. 

Her lower lip trembled as she brushed a strand of hair from my face. Finally, she pulled back and sat back on the floor. I paused before sitting beside her. As soon as I did, she scooted right beside me and lay her head on my shoulder. 

The sudden contact made me freeze and wonder if it was safe to breath. I opened my mouth to ask her to move until I noticed the peaceful smile on her face and decided otherwise. After a few seconds of laying there, she raised her head and looked me in the eye, a loving smile on her face. 

"My lover's name was Iris, what's yours?" I looked into those double eyes again before replying. 

"Lana, after the singer." She cocked her head to one side. "Singer?" That's right, she's been buried for 2000 years. "It's...someone who makes music for others to hear all around the world." "But how do they travel to all those places?" 

"They...never mind. We can talk about it in the morning." I stood and she grabbed my hand. 

"Where are you going?" "Upstairs and you're coming with me." She smiled before following me until we reached my room and I pulled out a sleeping bag and lay it on the floor. 

"I'll take the floor, you get the bed." She shook her head. "No. We'll both sleep in the bed." My cheeks flushed at the idea.

"Or I could take the bed and you take the floor." With that, I jumped into bed and turned away. 

It only took a moment for her to slip in the sheets and drape an arm over my shoulder. She was so close I could feel her breath against my neck. 

"Ahmanet." She faintly whispered as her eyes began to close. "What?" I turned over to face her. "My name is (yawn)...Ahmanet." Then she fell asleep and it only took a moment for me to drift off too.              

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