Part 2: Mates

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As you continue walking away, thinking it was just your father having fun with his new pet, you leave. But as you go down the hall, you hear a scream and chains break. "Man he is being rough" you think to yourself. As you walk down you hear a loud, deep growl come from the room, which could only be from a wolf. You fly around on your heel and run as quickly as possible to the room and slide in, hiding behind the couch, to where I couldn't see you. I was beginning to shift, the fur forming and sprouting out of my back. My teeth were growing rapidly and my bones were cracking into shape of the new body. I snarl after fully transformed and I hunt around the room, searching for your father. One single link of chains was left on my ankle of my back left paw and I watch carefully. I find him hiding behind some of the pets. They move and leave him open for the take. I try to attack him but the chain catches quickly, making me fall on my face. He backs away as I snarl and he growls back. I sniff and look around the room, until my eyes fall on you and they go soft. You felt confusion run across your body. I attempt to walk towards you but the chain hits yet again and I fall forward, whimpering as I hit the ground. You step back and I whimper again, my nose twitching. You quickly glance at your father, scared of looking away from me. "what the heck is happening?" He shrugs and looks at me, watching like a hunter to it's prey. " I think... I think she thinks your her mate."

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