Part 3: Pet

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You shake my head, "Oh heck no that's not how that was suppose to work." He glances at you. "They are supposed to be with their own kind, not a vampire.  This is NOT how it works. " He looks at me as I stand up, whimper and try to walk towards you more. You stay there and watch as I look at you with sad but loving eyes. You look at your father. " I guess she is my pet now." He glares deeply at you as you stand up.  " I'm gonna to get her some clothes." He nods and I whimper as you walk out.

Later you come back. You throw some clothes on me and say sternly, "change back."  I tilt my head at you, slightly, and this time, you growl " well, Change!" I shake my fur and begin to shift back, the fur falling back into my skin and  the teeth receding into my gums. I gasp in pain and look down, covering myself up. I was completely naked and had one chain left on my ankle. I quickly grab the cloths and pull them on, which was hard with the chain. You begin to walk put and your father follows. I try as well but I get caught.  "She obsessed with you now" your father says. "Yea I know it's the mating bond she feels other why's she would hate me." "Do you not feel any attraction towards her?" You look back at the room, trying to think on it. It did feel like a magnet was in your belly, pulling you towards me. "Of course I do but not as strong as her she needs me, I don't need her."  he sighs and follows you away, but breaks off by his office. You go to my room and sigh. Slowly, the tug begins to take control. Getting  up, you follow the tug to your father's office. You instantly get upset and rush into his room. he was on top of me, and I was attempting to wiggle away from him. You growl "get off her!! Now!!" he glances at you and smiles, kissing my pink lips once last time, before getting up. "I  knew you loved her." "No, I don't like you touching something that's mine, love is not the cause of me coming to get my pet!"

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